Abstract: Data flow and the purpose of reporting the data are different and dependent on business needs. Different parameters are reported and transferred regularly during freight delivery. This business practices form the dataset constructed for each time point and contain all required information for freight moving decisions. As a significant amount of these data is used for various purposes, an integrating methodological approach must be developed to respond to the indicated problem. The proposed methodology contains several steps: (1) collecting context data sets and data validation; (2) multi-objective analysis for optimizing freight transfer services. For data validation, the study involves Grubbs outliers analysis, particularly for data cleaning and the identification of statistical significance of data reporting event cases. The Grubbs test is often used as it measures one external value at a time exceeding the boundaries of standard normal distribution. In the study area, the test was not widely applied by authors, except when the Grubbs test for outlier detection was used to identify outsiders in fuel consumption data. In the study, the authors applied the method with a confidence level of 99%. For the multi-objective analysis, the authors would like to select the forms of construction of the genetic algorithms, which have more possibilities to extract the best solution. For freight delivery management, the schemas of genetic algorithms' structure are used as a more effective technique. Due to that, the adaptable genetic algorithm is applied for the description of choosing process of the effective transportation corridor. In this study, the multi-objective genetic algorithm methods are used to optimize the data evaluation and select the appropriate transport corridor. The authors suggest a methodology for the multi-objective analysis, which evaluates collected context data sets and uses this evaluation to determine a delivery corridor for freight transfer service in the multi-modal transportation network. In the multi-objective analysis, authors include safety components, the number of accidents a year, and freight delivery time in the multi-modal transportation network. The proposed methodology has practical value in the management of multi-modal transportation processes.
Abstract: A transportation network is a realization of a spatial network, describing a structure which permits either vehicular movement or flow of some commodity. Examples include road networks, railways, air routes, pipelines, and many more. The transportation network plays a vital role in maintaining the vigor of the nation’s economy. Hence, ensuring the network stays resilient all the time, especially in the face of challenges such as heavy traffic loads and large scale natural disasters, is of utmost importance. In this paper, we used the Neo4j application to develop the graph. Neo4j is the world's leading open-source, NoSQL, a native graph database that implements an ACID-compliant transactional backend to applications. The Southern California network model is developed using the Neo4j application and obtained the most critical and optimal nodes and paths in the network using centrality algorithms. The edge betweenness centrality algorithm calculates the critical or optimal paths using Yen's k-shortest paths algorithm, and the node betweenness centrality algorithm calculates the amount of influence a node has over the network. The preliminary study results confirm that the Neo4j application can be a suitable tool to study the important nodes and the critical paths for the major congested metropolitan area.
Abstract: “National Territorial Planning (2016-2030)” was issued by the State Council of China in 2017. As an important initiative of putting it into effect, territorial planning at provincial level makes overall arrangement of territorial development, resources and environment protection, comprehensive renovation and security system construction. Hubei province, as the pivot of the “Rise of Central China” national strategy, is now confronted with great opportunities and challenges in territorial development, protection, and renovation. Territorial spatial pattern experiences long time evolution, influenced by multiple internal and external driving forces. It is not clear what are the main causes of its formation and what are effective ways of optimizing it. By analyzing land use data in 2016, this paper reveals present status of territory in Hubei. Combined with economic and social data and construction information, driving forces of territorial spatial pattern are then analyzed. Research demonstrates that the three types of territorial space aggregate distinctively. The four aspects of driving forces include natural background which sets the stage for main functions, population and economic factors which generate agglomeration effect, transportation infrastructure construction which leads to axial expansion and significant provincial strategies which encourage the established path. On this basis, targeted strategies for optimizing territory spatial pattern are then put forward. Hierarchical protection pattern should be established based on development intensity control as respect for nature. By optimizing the layout of population and industry and improving the transportation network, polycentric network-based development pattern could be established. These findings provide basis for Hubei Territorial Planning, and reference for future territorial planning in other provinces.
Abstract: Transportation network development in the developing country is in rapid pace. The majority of the network belongs to railway and expressway which passes through diverse topography, landform and geological conditions despite the avoidance principle during route selection. Construction of such networks demand many low to high embankment which required improvement in the foundation soil. This paper is mainly focused on the various advanced ground improvement techniques used to improve the soft soil, modelling approach and its predictability for embankments construction. The ground improvement techniques can be broadly classified in to three groups i.e. densification group, drainage and consolidation group and reinforcement group which are discussed with some case studies. Various methods were used in modelling of the embankments from simple 1-dimensional to complex 3-dimensional model using variety of constitutive models. However, the reliability of the predictions is not found systematically improved with the level of sophistication. And sometimes the predictions are deviated more than 60% to the monitored value besides using same level of erudition. This deviation is found mainly due to the selection of constitutive model, assumptions made during different stages, deviation in the selection of model parameters and simplification during physical modelling of the ground condition. This deviation can be reduced by using optimization process, optimization tools and sensitivity analysis of the model parameters which will guide to select the appropriate model parameters.
Abstract: The Intelligent transportation system is essential to build smarter cities. Machine learning based transportation prediction could be highly promising approach by delivering invisible aspect visible. In this context, this research aims to make a prototype model that predicts transportation network by using big data and machine learning technology. In detail, among urban transportation systems this research chooses bus system. The research problem that existing headway model cannot response dynamic transportation conditions. Thus, bus delay problem is often occurred. To overcome this problem, a prediction model is presented to fine patterns of bus delay by using a machine learning implementing the following data sets; traffics, weathers, and bus statues. This research presents a flexible headway model to predict bus delay and analyze the result. The prototyping model is composed by real-time data of buses. The data are gathered through public data portals and real time Application Program Interface (API) by the government. These data are fundamental resources to organize interval pattern models of bus operations as traffic environment factors (road speeds, station conditions, weathers, and bus information of operating in real-time). The prototyping model is designed by the machine learning tool (RapidMiner Studio) and conducted tests for bus delays prediction. This research presents experiments to increase prediction accuracy for bus headway by analyzing the urban big data. The big data analysis is important to predict the future and to find correlations by processing huge amount of data. Therefore, based on the analysis method, this research represents an effective use of the machine learning and urban big data to understand urban dynamics.
Abstract: The railway network is one of the major components of a transportation system in a country which may be an indicator of the country’s level of economic improvement. Since 2000s on, revival of national railways and development of High Speed Rail (HSR) lines are one of the most remarkable policies of Turkish government in railway sector. Within this trend, the railway age is to be revived and coming decades will be a golden opportunity. Indubitably, major infrastructures such as road and railway networks require sizeable investment capital, precise maintenance and reparation. Traditionally, governments are held responsible for funding, operating and maintaining these infrastructures. However, lack or shortage of financial resources, risk responsibilities (particularly cost and time overrun), and in some cases inefficacy in constructional, operational and management phases persuade governments to find alternative options. Financial power, efficient experiences and background of private sector are the factors convincing the governments to make a collaboration with private parties to develop infrastructures. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP or 3P or P3) and related regulatory issues are born considering these collaborations. In Turkey, PPP approaches have attracted attention particularly during last decade and these types of investments have been accelerated by government to overcome budget limitations and cope with inefficacy of public sector in improving transportation network and its operation. This study mainly tends to present a comprehensive overview of PPP concept, evaluate the regulatory procedure in Europe and propose a general framework for Turkish State Railways (TCDD) as an outlook on privatization, liberalization and deregulation of railway network.
Abstract: In an urban area the determination of transportation routes should be planned so as to minimize the provoked pollution taking into account the cost of such routes. In the sequel these routes are cited as pollution routes.
The transportation network is expressed by a weighted graph G=(V,E,D,P) where every vertex represents a location to be served and E contains unordered pairs (edges) of elements in V that indicate a simple road. The distances / cost and a weight that depict the provoked air pollution by a vehicle transition at every road are assigned to each road as well. These are the items of set D and P respectively.
Furthermore the investigated pollution routes must not exceed predefined corresponding values concerning the route cost and the route pollution level during the vehicle transition.
In this paper we present an algorithm that generates such routes in order that the decision maker selects the most appropriate one.
Abstract: Access Management is the proactive management of
vehicular access points to land parcels adjacent to all manner of
roadways. Good access management promotes safe and efficient use
of the transportation network. This study attempts to utilize archived
data from the University Technology of Malaysia on-campus area to
assess the accuracy with which access management display some
benefits. Results show that usage of access management reduces
delay and fewer crashes. Clustered development can improve
walking, cycling and transit travel, reduce parking requirements and
improve emergency responses. Effective Access Management
planning can also reduce total roadway facility costs by reducing the
number of driveways and intersections. At the end after presenting
recommendations some of the travel impact, and benefits that
can be derived if these suggestions are implemented have
been summarized with the related comments.
Abstract: Recently, Northeast Asia has become one of the three
largest trade areas, covering approximately 30% of the total trade
volume of the world. However, the distribution facilities are saturated
due to the increase in the transportation volume within the area and
with the European countries. In order to accommodate the increase of
the transportation volume, the transportation networking with the
major countries in Northeast Asia and Europe is absolutely necessary.
The Eurasian Logistics Network will develop into an international
passenger transportation network covering the Northeast Asian region
and an international freight transportation network connecting across
Eurasia Continent. This paper surveys the changes and trend of the
distribution network in the Eurasian Region according to the political,
economic and environmental changes of the region, analyses the
distribution network according to the changes in the transportation
policies of the related countries, and provides the direction of the
development of composite transportation on the basis of the present
conditions of transportation means. The transportation means optimal
for the efficiency of transportation system are suggested to be train
ferries, sea & rail or sea & rail & sea. It is suggested to develop
diversified composite transportation means and routes within the
boundary of international cooperation system.
Abstract: Bridges are one of the main components of
transportation networks. They should be functional before and after
earthquake for emergency services. Therefore we need to assess
seismic performance of bridges under different seismic loadings.
Fragility curve is one of the popular tools in seismic evaluations. The
fragility curves are conditional probability statements, which give the
probability of a bridge reaching or exceeding a particular damage
level for a given intensity level. In this study, the seismic
performance of a two-span simply supported concrete bridge is
assessed. Due to usual lack of empirical data, the analytical fragility
curve was developed by results of the dynamic analysis of bridge
subjected to the different time histories in near-fault area.
Abstract: Many exist studies always use Markov decision
processes (MDPs) in modeling optimal route choice in
stochastic, time-varying networks. However, taking many
variable traffic data and transforming them into optimal route
decision is a computational challenge by employing MDPs in
real transportation networks. In this paper we model finite
horizon MDPs using directed hypergraphs. It is shown that the
problem of route choice in stochastic, time-varying networks
can be formulated as a minimum cost hyperpath problem, and
it also can be solved in linear time. We finally demonstrate the
significant computational advantages of the introduced
Abstract: A road pricing game is a game where various stakeholders and/or regions with different (and usually conflicting) objectives compete for toll setting in a given transportation network to satisfy their individual objectives. We investigate some classical game theoretical solution concepts for the road pricing game. We establish results for the road pricing game so that stakeholders and/or regions playing such a game will beforehand know what is obtainable. This will save time and argument, and above all, get rid of the feelings of unfairness among the competing actors and road users. Among the classical solution concepts we investigate is Nash equilibrium. In particular, we show that no pure Nash equilibrium exists among the actors, and further illustrate that even “mixed Nash equilibrium" may not be achievable in the road pricing game. The paper also demonstrates the type of coalitions that are not only reachable, but also stable and profitable for the actors involved.
Abstract: Optimization plays an important role in most real
world applications that support decision makers to take the right
decision regarding the strategic directions and operations of the
system they manage. Solutions for traffic management and traffic
congestion problems are considered major problems that most
decision making authorities for cities around the world are looking
for. This review paper gives a full description of the traffic problem
as part of the transportation planning process and present a view as a
framework of urban transportation system analysis where the core of
the system is a transportation network equilibrium model that is
based on optimization techniques and that can also be used for
evaluating an alternative solution or a combination of alternative
solutions for the traffic congestion. Different transportation network
equilibrium models are reviewed from the sequential approach to the
multiclass combining trip generation, trip distribution, modal split,
trip assignment and departure time model. A GIS-Based intelligent
decision support system framework for urban transportation system
analysis is suggested for implementation where the selection of
optimized alternative solutions, single or packages, will be based on
an intelligent agent rather than human being which would lead to
reduction in time, cost and the elimination of the difficulty, by
human being, for finding the best solution to the traffic congestion
Abstract: Transportation is of great importance in the current
life of human beings. The transportation system plays many roles,
from economical development to after-catastrophe aids such as
rescue operation in the first hours and days after an earthquake. In
after earthquakes response phase, transportation system acts as a
basis for ground operations including rescue and relief operation,
food providing for victims and etc. It is obvious that partial or
complete obstruction of this system results in the stop of these
operations. Bridges are one of the most important elements of
transportation network. Failure of a bridge, in the most optimistic
case, cuts the relation between two regions and in more developed
countries, cuts the relation of numerous regions. In this paper, to
evaluate the vulnerability and estimate the damage level of Tehran
bridges, HAZUS method, developed by Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) with the aid of National Institute of
Building Science (NIBS), is used for the first time in Iran. In this
method, to evaluate the collapse probability, fragility curves are
used. Iran is located on seismic belt and thus, it is vulnerable to
earthquakes. Thus, the study of the probability of bridge collapses, as
an important part of transportation system, during earthquakes is of
great importance. The purpose of this study is to provide fragility
curves for Gisha Bridge, one of the longest steel bridges in Tehran,
as an important lifeline element. Besides, the damage probability for
this bridge during a specific earthquake, introduced as scenario
earthquakes, is calculated. The fragility curves show that for the
considered scenario, the probability of occurrence of complete
collapse for the bridge is 8.6%.
Abstract: The goal of this paper is to find Wardrop equilibrium
in transport networks at case of uncertainty situations, where the
uncertainty comes from lack of information. We use simulation tool
to find the equilibrium, which gives only approximate solution, but
this is sufficient for large networks as well. In order to take the
uncertainty into account we have developed an interval-based
procedure for finding the paths with minimal cost using the
Dempster-Shafer theory. Furthermore we have investigated the users-
behaviors using game theory approach, because their path choices
influence the costs of the other users- paths.
Abstract: In this paper, we seek to determine one reasonable
local hub port and optimal routes for a containership fleet,
performing pick-ups and deliveries, between the hub and spoke ports
in a same region. The relationship between a hub port, and traffic in
feeder lines is analyzed. A new network planning method is proposed,
an integrated hub port location and route design, a capacitated vehicle
routing problem with pick-ups, deliveries and time deadlines are
formulated and solved using an improved genetic algorithm for
positioning the hub port and establishing routes for a containership
fleet. Results on the performance of the algorithm and the feasibility
of the approach show that a relatively small fleet of containerships
could provide efficient services within deadlines.