Abstract: Software engineering curriculums generally consist of industry-based practices such as project-based learning (PBL) which mainly focuses on efficient and innovative product development. These approaches can be tailored and used in project-based modules in software engineering curriculums. However, there are very limited attempts in the area especially related to Sri Lankan context. This paper describes a tailored pedagogical approach and its results of using design sprint which can be used for project-based modules in software engineering (SE) curriculums. A controlled group of second year software engineering students was selected for the study. The study results indicate that all of the students agreed that the design sprint approach is effective in group-based projects and 83% of students stated that it minimized the re-work compared to traditional project approaches. The tailored process was effective, easy to implement and produced desired results at the end of the session while providing students an enjoyable experience.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present the process of elaborating the layout of an assembly line of a welding industry using the principles of lean manufacturing as the main driver. The objective of this paper is relevant since the current layout of the assembly line causes non-productive times for operators, being related to the lean waste of unnecessary movements. The methodology used for the project development was Project-based Learning (PBL), which is an active way of learning focused on real problems. The process of selecting the methodology for layout planning was developed considering three criteria to evaluate the most relevant one for this paper's goal. As a result of this evaluation, Systematic Layout Planning was selected, and three steps were added to it – Value Stream Mapping for the current situation and after layout changed and the definition of lean tools and layout type. This inclusion was to consider lean manufacturing in the layout redesign of the industry. The layout change resulted in an increase in the value-adding time of operations carried out in the sector, reduction in movement times between previous and final assemblies, and in cost savings regarding the man-hour value of the employees, which can be invested in productive hours instead of movement times.
Abstract: Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy that originated in the medical field and has also been used extensively in other knowledge disciplines with recognized advantages and limitations. PBL has been used in various undergraduate engineering programs with mixed outcomes. The current fourth industrial revolution (digital era or Industry 4.0) has made it essential for many science and engineering students to receive effective training in advanced courses such as industrial automation and robotics. This paper presents a case study at Assumption University of Thailand, where a PBL-like approach was used to teach some aspects of automation and robotics to selected groups of undergraduate engineering students. These students were given some basic level training in automation prior to participating in a subsequent training session in order to solve technical problems with increased complexity. The participating students’ evaluation of the training sessions in terms of learning effectiveness, skills enhancement, and incremental knowledge following the problem-solving session was captured through a follow-up survey consisting of 14 questions and a 5-point scoring system. From the most recent training event, an overall 70% of the respondents indicated that their skill levels were enhanced to a much greater level than they had had before the training, whereas 60.4% of the respondents from the same event indicated that their incremental knowledge following the session was much greater than what they had prior to the training. The instructor-facilitator involved in the training events suggested that this method of learning was more suitable for senior/advanced level students than those at the freshmen level as certain skills to effectively participate in such problem-solving sessions are acquired over a period of time, and not instantly.
Abstract: This paper describes the design and implementation of
web system for continuable and viable collaboration. This study
proposes the improvement of the system based on a result of a certain
practice. As contemporary higher education information environments
transform, this study highlights the significance of university identity
and college identity that are formed continuously through independent
activities of the students. Based on these discussions, the present study
proposes a practical media environment design which facilitates the
processes of organizational identity formation based on a continuous
and cyclical model. Even if users change by this system, the
communication system continues operation and cooperation. The
activity becomes the archive and produces new activity. Based on the
result, this study elaborates a plan with a re-design by a system from
the viewpoint of second-order cybernetics. Systems theory is a
theoretical foundation for our study.
Abstract: This article describes the implementation experience
of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in an engineering course of the
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with the aim of strengthening
student skills necessary for the exercise of their profession under
a sustainability framework. Firstly, we present a literature review
on the education for sustainability field, emphasizing the skills
and knowledge areas required for its development, as well as
the commitment of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, and other engineering faculties of the country,
regarding education for sustainability. This article covers the general
aspects of the course, describes how students team were formed, and
how their experience was during the first semester of 2017. During
this period two groups of students decided to develop their course
project aiming to solve a problem regarding a Non-Governmental
Organization (NGO) that works with head-of-household mothers in
a low-income neighborhood in Bogota (Colombia). Subsequently, we
show how sustainability is involved in the course, how tools are
provided to students, and how activities are developed as to strengthen
their abilities, which allows them to incorporate sustainability in their
projects while also working on the methodology used to develop said
projects. Finally, we introduce the results obtained by the students
who sent the prototypes of their projects to the community they were
working on and the conclusions reached by them regarding the course
Abstract: Technology has been developed dramatically in most of the educational disciplines. For instance, digital rendering subject, which is being taught in both Interior and Architecture fields, is witnessing almost annually updated software versions. A lot of students and educators argued that there will be no need for manual rendering techniques to be learned. Therefore, the Interior Design Visual Presentation 1 course (ID133) has been chosen from the first level of the Interior Design (ID) undergraduate program, as it has been taught for six years continually. This time frame will facilitate sound observation and critical analysis of the use of appropriate teaching methodologies. Furthermore, the researcher believes in the high value of the manual rendering techniques. The course objectives are: to define the basic visual rendering principles, to recall theories and uses of various types of colours and hatches, to raise the learners’ awareness of the value of studying manual render techniques, and to prepare them to present their work professionally. The students are female Arab learners aged between 17 and 20. At the outset of the course, the majority of them demonstrated negative attitude, lacking both motivation and confidence in manual rendering skills. This paper is a reflective appraisal of deploying two student-centred teaching pedagogies which are: Project-based learning (PBL) and Outcome-based education (OBE) on ID133 students. This research aims of developing some teaching strategies to enhance the quality of teaching in this given course over an academic semester. The outcome of this research emphasized the positive influence of applying such educational methods on improving the quality of students’ manual rendering skills in terms of: materials, textiles, textures, lighting, and shade and shadow. Furthermore, it greatly motivated the students and raised the awareness of the importance of learning the manual rendering techniques.
Abstract: Objectives: In recent years, the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong have extended the implementation of 3D electronic models (e-models) into problem-based learning (PBL) of the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) curriculum, aiming at mutual enhancement of PBL teaching quality and the students’ skills in using e-models. This study focuses on the effectiveness of e-models serving as a tool to enhance the students’ skills and competences in PBL. Methods: The questionnaire surveys are conducted to measure 50 fourth-year BDS students’ attitude change between beginning and end of blended PBL tutorials. The response rate of this survey is 100%. Results: The results of this study show the students’ agreement on enhancement of their learning experience after e-model implementation and their expectation to have more blended PBL courses in the future. The potential of e-models in cultivating students’ self-learning skills reduces their dependence on others, while improving their communication skills to argue about pros and cons of different treatment options. The students’ independent thinking ability and problem solving skills are promoted by e-model implementation, resulting in better decision making in treatment planning. Conclusion: It is important for future dental education curriculum planning to cope with the students’ needs, and offer support in the form of software, hardware and facilitators’ assistance for better e-model implementation.
Abstract: Social work education is competency based in nature. There is an expectation that graduates of social work programs throughout the world are to be prepared to practice at a level of competence, which is beneficial to both the well-being of individuals and community. Experiential learning is one way to prepare students for competent practice. The use of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a form experiential education that has been successful in a number of disciplines to bridge the gap between the theoretical concepts in the classroom to the real world. PBL aligns with the constructivist theoretical approach to learning, which emphasizes the integration of new knowledge with the beliefs students already hold. In addition, the basic tenants of PBL correspond well with the practice behaviors associated with social work practice including multi-disciplinary collaboration and critical thinking. This paper makes an argument for utilizing PBL in social work education.
Abstract: Nanotechnology is widely applied in various areas so professionals in the related fields have to know more than nano knowledge. In the study, we focus on adopting ICT-assisted PBL in college general education to foster professionals who possess multiple abilities. The research adopted a pretest and posttest quasi-experimental design. The control group received traditional instruction, and the experimental group received ICT-assisted PBL instruction. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe the means, standard deviations, and adjusted means for the tests between the two groups. Next, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) will be used to compare the final results of the two research groups after 6 weeks of instruction. Statistics gathered in the end of the research can be used to make contrasts. Therefore, we will see how different teaching strategies can improve students’ understanding about nanotechnology and learning skills.
Abstract: Problem based learning is one of the highly acclaimed learning methods in medical education since its first introduction at Mc-Master University in Canada in the 1960s. It has now been adopted as a teaching learning method in many medical colleges of Nepal. B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), a health science deemed university is the second institute in Nepal to establish problem-based learning academic program and need-based teaching approach hence minimizing teaching through lectures since its inception. During the first two years of MBBS course, the curriculum is divided into various organ-systems incorporated with problem-based learning exercise each of one week duration.
Abstract: Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the student
centered approaches and has been considered by a number of higher
educational institutions in many parts of the world as a method of
delivery. This paper presents a creative thinking approach for
implementing Problem-based Learning in Mechanics of Structure
within a Malaysian Polytechnics environment. In the learning
process, students learn how to analyze the problem given among the
students and sharing classroom knowledge into practice. Further,
through this course-s emphasis on problem-based learning, students
acquire creative thinking skills and professional skills as they tackle
complex, interdisciplinary and real-situation problems. Once the
creative ideas are generated, there are useful additional techniques
for tender ideas that will grow into a productive concept or solution.
The combination of creative skills and technical abilities will enable
the students to be ready to “hit-the-ground-running" and produce in
industry when they graduate.
Abstract: The rotation of starting pitchers is a strategic issue
which has a significant impact on the performance of a professional
team. Choosing an optimal starting pitcher from among many
alternatives is a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. In
this study, a model using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and
Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to the Ideal Solution
(TOPSIS) is proposed with which to arrange the starting pitcher
rotation for teams of the Chinese Professional Baseball League. The
AHP is used to analyze the structure of the starting pitcher selection
problem and to determine the weights of the criteria, while the
TOPSIS method is used to make the final ranking. An empirical
analysis is conducted to illustrate the utilization of the model for the
starting pitcher rotation problem. The results demonstrate the
effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model.
Abstract: Software engineering education not only embraces
technical skills of software development but also necessitates
communication and interaction among learners. In this paper, it is
proposed to adapt the PBL methodology that is especially designed to
be integrated into software engineering classroom in order to promote
collaborative learning environment. This approach helps students
better understand the significance of social aspects and provides a
systematic framework to enhance teamwork skills. The adaptation of
PBL facilitates the transition to an innovative software development
environment where cooperative learning can be actualized.
Abstract: At present time, competition, unpredictable fluctuations have made communication engineering education in the global sphere really difficult. Confront with new situation in the engineering education sector. Communication engineering education has to be reformed and ready to use more advanced technologies. We realized that one of the general problems of student`s education is that after graduating from their universities, they are not prepared to face the real life challenges and full skilled to work in industry. They are prepared only to think like engineers and professionals but they also need to possess some others non-technical skills. In today-s environment, technical competence alone is not sufficient for career success. Employers want employees (graduate engineers) who have good oral and written communication (soft) skills. It does require for team work, business awareness, organization, management skills, responsibility, initiative, problem solving and IT competency. This proposed curriculum brings interactive, creative, interesting, effective learning methods, which includes online education, virtual labs, practical work, problem-based learning (PBL), and lectures given by industry experts. Giving short assignments, presentations, reports, research papers and projects students can significantly improve their non-technical skills. Also, we noticed the importance of using ICT technologies in engineering education which used by students and teachers, and included that into proposed teaching and learning methods. We added collaborative learning between students through team work which builds theirs skills besides course materials. The prospective on this research that we intent to update communication engineering curriculum in order to get fully constructed engineer students to ready for real industry work.
Abstract: The wireless link can be unreliable in realistic wireless
sensor networks (WSNs). Energy efficient and reliable data
forwarding is important because each node has limited resources.
Therefore, we must suggest an optimal solution that considers using
the information of the node-s characteristics. Previous routing
protocols were unsuited to realistic asymmetric WSNs. In this paper,
we propose a Protocol that considers Both sides of Link-quality and
Energy (PBLE), an optimal routing protocol that balances modified
link-quality, distance and energy. Additionally, we propose a node
scheduling method. PBLE achieves a longer lifetime than previous
routing protocols and is more energy-efficient. PBLE uses energy,
local information and both sides of PRR in a 1-hop distance. We
explain how to send data packets to the destination node using the
node's information. Simulation shows PBLE improves delivery rate
and network lifetime compared to previous schemes. Moreover, we
show the improvement in various WSN environments.
Abstract: Very Large and/or computationally complex optimization problems sometimes require parallel or highperformance computing for achieving a reasonable time for computation. One of the most popular and most complicate problems of this family is “Traveling Salesman Problem". In this paper we have introduced a Branch & Bound based algorithm for the solution of such complicated problems. The main focus of the algorithm is to solve the “symmetric traveling salesman problem". We reviewed some of already available algorithms and felt that there is need of new algorithm which should give optimal solution or near to the optimal solution. On the basis of the use of logarithmic sampling, it was found that the proposed algorithm produced a relatively optimal solution for the problem and results excellent performance as compared with the traditional algorithms of this series.
Abstract: While the problem based learning (PBL) approach promotes unsupervised self-directed learning (SDL), many students experience difficulty juggling the role of being an information recipient and information seeker. Logbooks have been used to assess trainee doctors but not in other areas. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of logbook for assessing SDL during PBL sessions in first year medical students. The log book included a learning checklist and knowledge and skills components. Comparisons with the baseline assessment of student performance in PBL and that at semester end after logbook intervention showed significant improvements in student performance (31.5 ± 8 vs. 17.7 ± 4.4; p
Abstract: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has been an
emerging field that draws in the experts from various fields to
enhance the application of computer programs and the ease of
computer users. HCI has much to do with learning and cognition and
an emerging approach to learning and problem-solving is problembased
learning (PBL). The processes of PBL involve important
cognitive functions in the various stages. This paper will illustrate
how closely related fields to HCI, PBL and cognitive psychology can
benefit from informing each other through analysing various
cognitive functions. Several cognitive functions from cognitive
function disc (CFD) would be presented and discussed in relation to
human-computer interface. This paper concludes with the
implications of bridging the gaps amongst these disciplines.
Abstract: Baseball is unique among other sports in Taiwan.
Baseball has become a “symbol of the Taiwanese spirit and Taiwan-s
national sport". Taiwan-s first professional sports league, the Chinese
Professional Baseball League (CPBL), was established in 1989.
Starters pitch many more innings over the course of a season and for
a century teams have made all their best pitchers starters. In this
study, we attempt to determine the on-field performance these
pitchers and which won the most CPBL games in 2009. We utilize
the discriminate analysis approach to solve the problem, examining
winning pitchers and their statistics, to reliably find the best starting
pitcher. The data employed in this paper include innings pitched (IP),
earned runs allowed (ERA) and walks plus hits per inning pitched
(WPHIP) provided by the official website of the CPBL. The results
show that Aaron Rakers was the best starting pitcher of the CPBL.
The top 10 CPBL starting pitchers won 14 games to 8 games in the
2009 season. Though Fisher Discriminant Analysis, predicted to top
10 CPBL starting pitchers probably won 20 games to 9 games, more
1 game to 7 games in actually counts in 2009 season.
Abstract: Using the animations video of teaching materials is an
effective learning method. However, we thought that more effective learning method is to produce the teaching video by learners
themselves. The learners who act as the producer must learn and understand well to produce and present video of teaching materials to
others. The purpose of this study is to propose the project based learning (PBL) technique by co-producing video of IT (information
technology) teaching materials. We used the T2V player to produce
the video based on TVML a TV program description language. By
proposed method, we have assigned the learners to produce the
animations video for “National Examination for Information
Processing Technicians (IPA examination)" in Japan, in order to get
them learns various knowledge and skill on IT field. Experimental
result showed that learning effect has occurred at the video production
process that useful for IT personnel resources development.