Abstract: The gait pattern in people that present motor limitations foment the demand for auxiliary locomotion devices. These artifacts for movement assistance vary according to its shape, size and functional features, following the clinical applications desired. Among the ortheses of lower limbs, the ankle-foot orthesis aims to improve the ability to walk in people with different neuromuscular limitations, although they do not always answer patients' expectations for their aesthetic and functional characteristics. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of using new design in additive manufacturer to reproduce the shape and functional features of a ankle-foot orthesis in an efficient and modern way. Therefore, this work presents a study about the performance of the mechanical forces through the analysis of finite elements in an ankle-foot orthesis. It will be demonstrated a study of distribution of the stress on the orthopedic device in orthostatism and during the movement in the course of patient's walk.
Abstract: This paper aims to develop a model that assists the
international retailer in selecting the country that maximizes the
degree of fit between the retailer-s goals and the country
characteristics in his initial internationalization move. A two-stage
multi criteria decision model is designed integrating the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Goal Programming. Ethical, cultural,
geographic and economic proximity are identified as the relevant
constructs of the internationalization decision. The constructs are
further structured into sub-factors within analytic hierarchy. The
model helps the retailer to integrate, rank and weigh a number of
hard and soft factors and prioritize the countries accordingly. The
model has been implemented on a Turkish luxury goods retailer who
was planning to internationalize. Actual entry of the specific retailer
in the selected country is a support for the model. Implementation on
a single retailer limits the generalizability of the results; however, the
emphasis of the paper is on construct identification and model
development. The paper enriches the existing literature by proposing
a hybrid multi objective decision model which introduces new soft
dimensions i.e. perceived distance, ethical proximity, humane
orientation to the decision process and facilitates effective decision