Abstract: The interaction effects between the existing soil and the substructure of a 5-story building with an underground one, were evaluated in such a way that the structural-geotechnical concepts were validated through the method of impedance factors with a program based on the method of the finite elements. The continuous wall-type foundation had a constant thickness and followed inclined and orthogonal directions, while the ground had homogeneous and medium-type characteristics. The soil considered was type C according to the Ecuadorian Construction Standard (NEC) and the corresponding foundation comprised a depth of 4.00 meters and a basement wall thickness of 40 centimeters. This project is part of a mid-rise building in the city of Azogues (Ecuador). The hypotheses raised responded to the objectives in such a way that the model implemented with springs had a variation with respect to the embedded base, obtaining conservative results.
Abstract: The gait pattern in people that present motor limitations foment the demand for auxiliary locomotion devices. These artifacts for movement assistance vary according to its shape, size and functional features, following the clinical applications desired. Among the ortheses of lower limbs, the ankle-foot orthesis aims to improve the ability to walk in people with different neuromuscular limitations, although they do not always answer patients' expectations for their aesthetic and functional characteristics. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of using new design in additive manufacturer to reproduce the shape and functional features of a ankle-foot orthesis in an efficient and modern way. Therefore, this work presents a study about the performance of the mechanical forces through the analysis of finite elements in an ankle-foot orthesis. It will be demonstrated a study of distribution of the stress on the orthopedic device in orthostatism and during the movement in the course of patient's walk.
Abstract: This paper presents numerical model based on finite-discrete element method for analysis of the structural response of dry stone masonry structures under static and dynamic loads. More precisely, each discrete stone block is discretized by finite elements. Material non-linearity including fracture and fragmentation of discrete elements as well as cyclic behavior during dynamic load are considered through contact elements which are implemented within a finite element mesh. The application of the model was conducted on several examples of these structures. The performed analysis shows high accuracy of the numerical results in comparison with the experimental ones and demonstrates the potential of the finite-discrete element method for modelling of the response of dry stone masonry structures.
Abstract: This paper revisits the free vibration problem of delaminated composite beams. It is shown that during the vibration of composite beams the delaminated parts are subjected to the parametric excitation. This can lead to the dynamic buckling during the motion of the structure. The equation of motion includes time-dependent stiffness and so it leads to a system of Mathieu-Hill differential equations. The free vibration analysis of beams is carried out in the usual way by using beam finite elements. The dynamic buckling problem is investigated locally, and the critical buckling forces are determined by the modified harmonic balance method by using an imposed time function of the motion. The stability diagrams are created, and the numerical predictions are compared to experimental results. The most important findings are the critical amplitudes at which delamination buckling takes place, the stability diagrams representing the instability of the system, and the realistic mode shape prediction in contrast with the unrealistic results of models available in the literature.
Abstract: The stiffness of the workpiece is very important to reduce the errors in manufacturing process. The high stiffness of the workpiece can be achieved by optimal positioning of fixture elements in the fixture. The minimization of the sum of the nodal deflection normal to the surface is used as objective function in previous research. The deflection in other direction has been neglected. The 3-2-1 fixturing principle is not valid for metal sheets due to its flexible nature. We propose a new fixture layout optimization method N-3-2-1 for metal sheets that uses the strain energy of the finite elements. This method combines the genetic algorithm and finite element analysis. The objective function in this method is to minimize the sum of all the element strain energy. By using the concept of element strain energy, the deformations in all the directions have been considered. Strain energy and stiffness are inversely proportional to each other. So, lower the value of strain energy, higher will be the stiffness. Two different kinds of case studies are presented. The case studies are solved for both objective functions; element strain energy and nodal deflection. The result are compared to verify the propose method.
Abstract: It can be determined in preference between
representative mechanical and mathematical model of elasticcreeping
deformation of transversally isotropic array with doubly
periodic system of tilted slots, and offer of the finite elements
calculation scheme, and inspection of the states of two diagonal
arbitrary profile cavities of deep inception, and in setting up the tense
and dislocation fields distribution nature in computing processes.
Abstract: The choice of finite element to use in order to predict
nonlinear static or dynamic response of complex structures becomes
an important factor. Then, the main goal of this research work is to
focus a study on the effect of the in-plane rotational degrees of
freedom in linear and geometrically non linear static and dynamic
analysis of thin shell structures by flat shell finite elements. In this
purpose: First, simple triangular and quadrilateral flat shell finite
elements are implemented in an incremental formulation based on the
updated lagrangian corotational description for geometrically
nonlinear analysis. The triangular element is a combination of DKT
and CST elements, while the quadrilateral is a combination of DKQ
and the bilinear quadrilateral membrane element. In both elements,
the sixth degree of freedom is handled via introducing fictitious
stiffness. Secondly, in the same code, the sixth degrees of freedom in
these elements is handled differently where the in-plane rotational
d.o.f is considered as an effective d.o.f in the in-plane filed
interpolation. Our goal is to compare resulting shell elements. Third,
the analysis is enlarged to dynamic linear analysis by direct
integration using Newmark-s implicit method. Finally, the linear
dynamic analysis is extended to geometrically nonlinear dynamic
analysis where Newmark-s method is used to integrate equations of
motion and the Newton-Raphson method is employed for iterating
within each time step increment until equilibrium is achieved. The
obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the
interpolation of the in-plane rotational d.o.f. and present deficiencies
of using fictitious stiffness in dynamic linear and nonlinear analysis.