Abstract: Over the last years, a new paradigm known as Physical Internet has been developed, and studied in logistics management. The purpose of this global and open system is to deal with logistics grand challenge by setting up an efficient and sustainable Logistics Web. The purpose of this paper is to review scientific articles dedicated to Physical Internet topic, and to provide a clustering strategy enabling to classify the literature on the Physical Internet, to follow its evolution, as well as to criticize it. The classification is based on three factors: Logistics Web, organization, and resources. Several papers about Physical Internet have been classified and analyzed along the Logistics Web, resources and organization views at a strategic, tactical and operational level, respectively. A developed cluster analysis shows which topics of the Physical Internet that are the less covered actually. Future researches are outlined for these topics.
Abstract: Ontologies and various semantic repositories became a convenient approach for implementing model-driven architectures of distributed systems on the Web. SPARQL is the standard query language for querying such. However, although SPARQL is well-established standard for querying semantic repositories in RDF and OWL format and there are commonly used APIs which supports it, like Jena for Java, its parallel option is not incorporated in them. This article presents a complete framework consisting of an object algebra for parallel RDF and an index-based implementation of the parallel query engine capable of dealing with the distributed RDF ontologies which share common vocabulary. It has been implemented in Java, and for validation of the algorithms has been applied to the problem of organizing virtual exhibitions on the Web.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe how learning analytics approaches based on social semantic web techniques can be applied to enhance the lifelong learning experiences in a connectivist perspective. For this reason, a prototype of a system called SoLearn (Social Learning Environment) that supports this approach. We observed and studied literature related to lifelong learning systems, social semantic web and ontologies, connectivism theory, learning analytics approaches and reviewed implemented systems based on these fields to extract and draw conclusions about necessary features for enhancing the lifelong learning process. The semantic analytics of learning can be used for viewing, studying and analysing the massive data generated by learners, which helps them to understand through recommendations, charts and figures their learning and behaviour, and to detect where they have weaknesses or limitations. This paper emphasises that implementing a learning analytics approach based on social semantic web representations can enhance the learning process. From one hand, the analysis process leverages the meaning expressed by semantics presented in the ontology (relationships between concepts). From the other hand, the analysis process exploits the discovery of new knowledge by means of inferring mechanism of the semantic web.
Abstract: Over the last few years, the amount of data available on the globe has been increased rapidly. This came up with the emergence of recent concepts, such as the big data and the Internet of Things, which have furnished a suitable solution for the availability of data all over the world. However, managing this massive amount of data remains a challenge due to their large verity of types and distribution. Therefore, locating the required file particularly from the first trial turned to be a not easy task, due to the large similarities of names for different files distributed on the web. Consequently, the accuracy and speed of search have been negatively affected. This work presents a method using Electroencephalography signals to locate the files based on their contents. Giving the concept of natural mind waves processing, this work analyses the mind wave signals of different people, analyzing them and extracting their most appropriate features using multi-objective metaheuristic algorithm, and then classifying them using artificial neural network to distinguish among files with similar names. The aim of this work is to provide the ability to find the files based on their contents using human thoughts only. Implementing this approach and testing it on real people proved its ability to find the desired files accurately within noticeably shorter time and retrieve them as a first choice for the user.
Abstract: An Integrated Cumulative Grade Point Average (iCGPA) is a mechanism and strategy to ensure the curriculum of an academic programme is constructively aligned to the expected learning outcomes and student performance based on the attainment of those learning outcomes that is reported objectively in a spider web. Much effort and time has been spent to develop a viable mechanism and trains academics to utilize the platform for reporting. The question is: How well do learners conceive the idea of their achievement via iCGPA and whether quality learner attributes have been nurtured through the iCGPA mechanism? This paper presents the architecture of an integrated CGPA mechanism purported to address a holistic evaluation from the evaluation of courses learning outcomes to aligned programme learning outcomes attainment. The paper then discusses the students’ understanding of the mechanism and evaluation of their achievement from the generated spider web. A set of questionnaires were distributed to a group of students with iCGPA reporting and frequency analysis was used to compare the perspectives of students on their performance. In addition, the questionnaire also explored how they conceive the idea of an integrated, holistic reporting and how it generates their motivation to improve. The iCGPA group was found to be receptive to what they have achieved throughout their study period. They agreed that the achievement level generated from their spider web allows them to develop intervention and enhance the programme learning outcomes before they graduate.
Abstract: Over recent years, web development has changed significantly. Driven largely by the rise of trends like mobiles, the world of development is rapidly evolving. The rise of the Internet makes web applications crucial nowadays. The web application has been an interface for a company and one of the ways they present their portfolio to the client. On the other hand, the web has become part of the file management system which takes over the role of paper. Due to high demand in web applications, developers are required to develop a web application that are cost-effective, secure and well coded. A framework has been proposed to develop an application rather than using library style development. The framework is helping the developer in creating the structure of a web automatically. This paper will compare the advantages and disadvantages of web development using framework against library-style development. This comparison is based on a previous research paper focusing on two main indicators, which are the impact to management and impact to the developer.
Abstract: Diversity and usefulness of information that used in education are have increased due to development of technology. Web technologies have made enormous contributions to the distance learning system especially. Mobile systems, one of the most widely used technology in distance education, made much easier to access web technologies. Not bounding by space and time, individuals have had the opportunity to access the information on web. In addition to this, the storage of educational information and resources and accessing these information and resources is crucial for both students and teachers. Because of this importance, development and dissemination of web technologies supply ease of access to information and resources are provided by web technologies. Dynamic web technologies introduced as new technologies that enable sharing and reuse of information, resource or applications via the Internet and bring websites into expandable platforms are commonly known as Web 2.0 technologies. Cloud systems are one of the dynamic web technologies that defined as a model provides approaching the demanded information independent from time and space in appropriate circumstances and developed by NIST. One of the most important advantages of cloud systems is meeting the requirements of users directly on the web regardless of hardware, software, and dealing with install. Hence, this study aims at using cloud services in education and investigating the services provided by the cloud computing. Survey method has been used as research method. In the findings of this research the fact that cloud systems are used such studies as resource sharing, collaborative work, assignment submission and feedback, developing project in the field of education, and also, it is revealed that cloud systems have plenty of significant advantages in terms of facilitating teaching activities and the interaction between teacher, student and environment.
Abstract: XHTML and XBRL are the standard languages for creating a database for the purpose of displaying financial statements on web applications. Today, XBRL is one of the most popular languages for business reporting. A large number of countries in the world recognize the role of XBRL language for financial reporting and the benefits that the reporting format provides in the collection, analysis, preparation, publication and the exchange of data (information) which is the positive side of this language. Here we present all advantages and opportunities that a company may have by using the XBRL format for business reporting. Also, this paper presents XBRL and other languages that are used for creating the database, such XML, XHTML, etc. The role of the AJAX complex model and technology will be explained in detail, and during the exchange of financial data between the web client and web server. Here will be mentioned basic layers of the network for data exchange via the web.
Abstract: Technological advances of computer science and data
analysis are helping to provide continuously huge volumes of
biological data, which are available on the web. Such advances
involve and require powerful techniques for data integration to
extract pertinent knowledge and information for a specific question.
Biomedical exploration of these big data often requires the use
of complex queries across multiple autonomous, heterogeneous
and distributed data sources. Semantic integration is an active
area of research in several disciplines, such as databases,
information-integration, and ontology. We provide a survey of some
approaches and techniques for integrating biological data, we focus
on those developed in the ontology community.
Abstract: Social networks have recently gained a growing
interest on the web. Traditional formalisms for representing social
networks are static and suffer from the lack of semantics. In this
paper, we will show how semantic web technologies can be used to
model social data. The SemTemp ontology aligns and extends
existing ontologies such as FOAF, SIOC, SKOS and OWL-Time to
provide a temporal and semantically rich description of social data.
We also present a modeling scenario to illustrate how our ontology
can be used to model social networks.
Abstract: This paper is meant to analyze the ranking of
University of Malaysia Terengganu, UMT’s website in the World
Wide Web. There are only few researches have been done on
comparing the ranking of universities’ websites so this research will
be able to determine whether the existing UMT’s website is serving
its purpose which is to introduce UMT to the world. The ranking is
based on hub and authority values which are accordance to the
structure of the website. These values are computed using two websearching
algorithms, HITS and SALSA. Three other universities’
websites are used as the benchmarks which are UM, Harvard and
Stanford. The result is clearly showing that more work has to be done
on the existing UMT’s website where important pages according to
the benchmarks, do not exist in UMT’s pages. The ranking of UMT’s
website will act as a guideline for the web-developer to develop a
more efficient website.
Abstract: The enormous amount of information stored on the
web increases from one day to the next, exposing the web currently
faced with the inevitable difficulties of research pertinent information
that users really want. The problem today is not limited to expanding
the size of the information highways, but to design a system for
intelligent search. The vast majority of this information is stored in
relational databases, which in turn represent a backend for managing
RDF data of the semantic web. This problem has motivated us to
write this paper in order to establish an effective approach to support
semantic transformation algorithm for SPARQL queries to SQL
queries, more precisely SPARQL SELECT queries; by adopting this
method, the relational database can be questioned easily with
SPARQL queries maintaining the same performance.
Abstract: Ontology validation is an important part of web
applications’ development, where knowledge integration and
ontological reasoning play a fundamental role. It aims to ensure the
consistency and correctness of ontological knowledge and to
guarantee that ontological reasoning is carried out in a meaningful
way. Existing approaches to ontology validation address more or less
specific validation issues, but the overall process of validating web
ontologies has not been formally established yet. As the size and the
number of web ontologies continue to grow, more web applications’
developers will rely on the existing repository of ontologies rather
than develop ontologies from scratch. If an application utilizes
multiple independently created ontologies, their consistency must be
validated and eventually adjusted to ensure proper interoperability
between them. This paper presents a validation technique intended to
test the consistency of independent ontologies utilized by a common
Abstract: This paper deals with various questions related to
functionality and providing banking services in the European union
on the Internet. Due to the fact that we live in the information
technologies era, the Internet become a new space for doing
economic and business activities in all areas, and especially important
in banking. Accepting the busy tempo of life, in the past several years
electronic banking has become necessity and a must for most users of
banking services. On a sample of 300 web sites of the banks
operating in European Union (EU) we conduct the research on the
functionality of e-banking services offered through banks web sites
with the key objective to reveal to what extent the information
technologies are used in their business operations. Characteristics of
EU banks websites will be examined and compared to the basic
groups of business activities on the web. Also some
recommendations for the successful bank web sites will be provided.
Abstract: Reverse Logistics (RL) Network is considered as
complex and dynamic network that involves many stakeholders such
as: suppliers, manufactures, warehouse, retails and costumers, this
complexity is inherent in such process due to lack of perfect
knowledge or conflicting information. Ontologies on the other hand
can be considered as an approach to overcome the problem of sharing
knowledge and communication among the various reverse logistics
partners. In this paper we propose a semantic representation based on
hybrid architecture for building the Ontologies in ascendant way, this
method facilitates the semantic reconciliation between the
heterogeneous information systems that support reverse logistics
processes and product data.
Abstract: In new energy development, wind power has boomed.
It is due to the proliferation of wind parks and their operation in
supplying the national electric grid with low cost and clean resources.
Hence, there is an increased need to establish a proactive
maintenance for wind turbine machines based on remote control and
monitoring. That is necessary with a real-time wireless connection in
offshore or inaccessible locations while the wired method has many
flaws. The objective of this strategy is to prolong wind turbine
lifetime and to increase productivity. The hardware of a remote
control and monitoring system for wind turbine parks is designed. It
takes advantage of GPRS or Wi-Max wireless module to collect data
measurements from different wind machine sensors through IP based
multi-hop communication. Computer simulations with Proteus ISIS
and OPNET software tools have been conducted to evaluate the
performance of the studied system. Study findings show that the
designed device is suitable for application in a wind park.
Abstract: Web search engines are designed to retrieve and
extract the information in the web databases and to return dynamic
web pages. The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in
which it includes semantic content in web pages. The main goal of
semantic web is to promote the quality of the current web by
changing its contents into machine understandable form. Therefore,
the milestone of semantic web is to have semantic level information
in the web. Nowadays, people use different keyword- based search
engines to find the relevant information they need from the web.
But many of the words are polysemous. When these words are
used to query a search engine, it displays the Search Result Records
(SRRs) with different meanings. The SRRs with similar meanings are
grouped together based on Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). In
addition to that semantic annotation is also performed to improve the
efficiency of search result records. Semantic Annotation is the
process of adding the semantic metadata to web resources. Thus the
grouped SRRs are annotated and generate a summary which
describes the information in SRRs. But the automatic semantic
annotation is a significant challenge in the semantic web. Here
ontology and knowledge based representation are used to annotate
the web pages.
Abstract: The continuous growth in the size of the World Wide Web has resulted in intricate Web sites, demanding enhanced user skills and more sophisticated tools to help the Web user to find the desired information. In order to make Web more user friendly, it is necessary to provide personalized services and recommendations to the Web user. For discovering interesting and frequent navigation patterns from Web server logs many Web usage mining techniques have been applied. The recommendation accuracy of usage based techniques can be improved by integrating Web site content and site structure in the personalization process.
Herein, we propose semantically enriched Web Usage Mining method for Personalization (SWUMP), an extension to solely usage based technique. This approach is a combination of the fields of Web Usage Mining and Semantic Web. In the proposed method, we envisage enriching the undirected graph derived from usage data with rich semantic information extracted from the Web pages and the Web site structure. The experimental results show that the SWUMP generates accurate recommendations and is able to achieve 10-20% better accuracy than the solely usage based model. The SWUMP addresses the new item problem inherent to solely usage based techniques.
Abstract: The internet is growing larger and becoming the most popular platform for the people to share their opinion in different interests. We choose the education domain specifically comparing some Malaysian universities against each other. This comparison produces benchmark based on different criteria shared by the online users in various online resources including Twitter, Facebook and web pages. The comparison is accomplished using opinion mining framework to extract, process the unstructured text and classify the result to positive, negative or neutral (polarity). Hence, we divide our framework to three main stages; opinion collection (extraction), unstructured text processing and polarity classification. The extraction stage includes web crawling, HTML parsing, Sentence segmentation for punctuation classification, Part of Speech (POS) tagging, the second stage processes the unstructured text with stemming and stop words removal and finally prepare the raw text for classification using Named Entity Recognition (NER). Last phase is to classify the polarity and present overall result for the comparison among the Malaysian universities. The final result is useful for those who are interested to study in Malaysia, in which our final output declares clear winners based on the public opinions all over the web.
Abstract: Ontologies play an important role in semantic web
applications and are often developed by different groups and
continues to evolve over time. The knowledge in ontologies changes
very rapidly that make the applications outdated if they continue to
use old versions or unstable if they jump to new versions. Temporal
frames using frame versioning and slot versioning are used to take
care of dynamic nature of the ontologies. The paper proposes new
tags and restructured OWL format enabling the applications to work
with the old or new version of ontologies. Gene Ontology, a very
dynamic ontology, has been used as a case study to explain the OWL
Ontology with Temporal Tags.