Synthesis and Simulation of Enhanced Buffer Router vs. Virtual Channel Router in NOC ON Cadence

This paper presents a synthesis and simulation of proposed enhanced buffer. The design provides advantages of both buffer and bufferless network for that two cross bar switches are used. The concept of virtual channel (VC) is eliminated from the previous design by using an efficient flow-control scheme that uses the storage already present in pipelined channels in place of explicit input VCBs. This can be addressed by providing enhanced buffers on the bufferless link and creating two virtual networks. With this approach, VCBs act as distributed FIFO buffers. Without VCBs or VCs, deadlock prevention is achieved by duplicating physical channels. An enhanced buffer provides a function of hand shaking by providing a ready valid handshake signal and two bit storage. Through this design the power is reduced to 15.65% and delay is reduced to 97.88% with respect to virtual channel router.

Bandwidth Allocation for ABR Service in Cellular Networks

Available Bit Rate Service (ABR) is the lower priority service and the better service for the transmission of data. On wireline ATM networks ABR source is always getting the feedback from switches about increase or decrease of bandwidth according to the changing network conditions and minimum bandwidth is guaranteed. In wireless networks guaranteeing the minimum bandwidth is really a challenging task as the source is always in mobile and traveling from one cell to another cell. Re establishment of virtual circuits from start to end every time causes the delay in transmission. In our proposed solution we proposed the mechanism to provide more available bandwidth to the ABR source by re-usage of part of old Virtual Channels and establishing the new ones. We want the ABR source to transmit the data continuously (non-stop) inorderto avoid the delay. In worst case scenario at least minimum bandwidth is to be allocated. In order to keep the data flow continuously, priority is given to the handoff ABR call against new ABR call.