Abstract: The study assesses the effectiveness of the Bui Dam resettlement scheme in the Tain and the Bole districts in Ghana. The study adopted a mixed approach in its data collection and analyses. Of the eight communities affected by Bui hydropower project, and thus require resettlement, four were purposively selected for primary data collection. Primary data was gathered through questionnaire administration to 157 heads of resettled households, focus group discussions with men and women and in-depth interviews with key informants. The findings indicated that the affected people had been sufficiently contacted at all levels of their resettlement. In particular, the Ghana Dams Dialogue, which served as a liaison entity between the government and the resettlement communities came up for praise for its usefulness. Many tangible policies were put in place to address the socio-cultural differences of traditional authorities. The Bui Dam Authority also rigorously followed national and international laws and protocols in the design and implementation of the resettlement scheme. In assessing the effectiveness of the resettlement scheme, it was clear that there had been a great appreciation of the compensation regarding infrastructural development, but much more would have to be done to satisfy livelihood empowerment requirements. It was recommended that candid efforts be made to restore the lost identities of the communities resettled, and more dialogue is encouraged among communities living together.
Abstract: The current Syrian crisis has caused unprecedented practices of global mobility. The process of forced eviction and the resettlement of refugees could be seen through the insights of the “new mobilities paradigm”. The mobility of refugees in terms of meaning and practice is a subject that calls for further studies. There is a need for the development of an approach to human mobility to understand a practice that is turning into a phenomenon in the 21st century. This paper aims at studying, from a qualitative point of view, the process of movement within the six constituents of mobility defined as the first phase of the journey of a refugee. The second phase would include the process of settling in and re-defining the host country as new “home” to refugees. The change in the refugee state of mind and crossing the physical and mental borders from a “foreigner” to a citizen is encouraged by both the governmental policies and the local communities’ efforts to embrace these newcomers. The paper would focus on these policies of social and economic integration. The concept of integration connotes the idea that refugees would enjoy the opportunities, rights and services available to the citizens of the refugee’s new community. So, this paper examines this concept through showcasing the two hosting countries of Canada and Egypt, as they provide two contrasting situations in terms of cultural, geographical, economic and political backgrounds. The analysis would highlight the specific policies defined towards the refugees including the mass communication, media calls, and access to employment. This research is part of a qualitative research project on the process of Urban Mobility practiced by the Syrian Refugees, drawing on conversational interviews with new-settlers who have moved to the different hosting countries, from their home in Syria. It explores these immigrants’ practical and emotional relationships with the process of movement and settlement. It uses the conversational interviews as a tool to document analysis and draw relationships in an attempt to establish an understanding of the factors that contribute to the new-settlers feeling of home and integration within the new community.
Abstract: The overall goal of this paper is to examine the
suitability and potential of the policies addressing the sustainability
and affordability of housing for returnees, and to determine the impact
of this policy on housing delivery for Afghan refugees. Housing is a
central component of the settlement experience of refugees. A positive
housing situation can facilitate many aspects of integration.
Unaffordable, and unsafe housing, however, can cause disruptions in
the entire settlement process. This paper aims to identify a suite of
built forms for housing that is both affordable and environmentally
sustainable for Afghan refugees. The result was the development of a
framework that enables the assessment of the overall performance of
various types of housing development in all zones of the country.
There is very little evidence that the present approach of housing
provision to the vagaries of market forces has provided affordable
housing, especially for Afghan refugees. There is a need to incorporate
social housing into the policy to assist people who cannot afford to
have their own houses.
Abstract: This paper discusses the issue of tribal development,
displacement, rehabilitation and resettlement policies, and
implementation in the agency (scheduled / tribal) areas of the West
Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh State, India. This study is based
on action anthropological approach, conducted among the displaced
tribal communities i.e. Konda Reddis and Nayakapods of this region,
under the 'Kovvada Reservoir' Project. These groups are
traditionally shifting cultivators and popularly known as the
Primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs) in the government records. This
paper also focuses on the issues of tribal displacement and land
alienation due to construction of the Kovvada reservoir, without
proper rehabilitation and resettlement, although there are well
defined guidelines, procedures and norms for the rehabilitation of
Project Affected Persons (PAPs). It is necessary to begin with, to
provide an overview of the issues in tribal development and policies
related to displacement and rehabilitation in the Indian context as a
background to the Kovvada Reservoir Project, the subject of this
Abstract: Developing countries are facing a problem of slums and there appears to be no fool proof solution to eradicate them. For improving the quality of life there are three approaches of slum development and In-situ up-gradation approach is found to be the best one, while the relocation approach has proved to be failure. Factors responsible for failure of relocation projects are needed to be assessed, which is the basic aim of the paper. Factors responsible for failure of relocation projects are loss of livelihood, security of tenure and inefficiency of the Government. These factors are traced out & mapped from the examples of Western & Indian cities. National habitat, Resettlement policy emphasized relationship between shelter and work place. SRA has identified 55 slums for relocation due reservation of land uses, security of tenure and non- notified status of slums. The policy guidelines have been suggested for successful relocation projects. KeywordsLivelihood, Relocation, Slums, Urban poor.