Building Gabor Filters from Retinal Responses

Starting from a biologically inspired framework, Gabor filters were built up from retinal filters via LMSE algorithms. Asubset of retinal filter kernels was chosen to form a particular Gabor filter by using a weighted sum. One-dimensional optimization approaches were shown to be inappropriate for the problem. All model parameters were fixed with biological or image processing constraints. Detailed analysis of the optimization procedure led to the introduction of a minimization constraint. Finally, quantization of weighting factors was investigated. This resulted in an optimized cascaded structure of a Gabor filter bank implementation with lower computational cost.

Mapping Complex, Large – Scale Spiking Networks on Neural VLSI

Traditionally, VLSI implementations of spiking neural nets have featured large neuron counts for fixed computations or small exploratory, configurable nets. This paper presents the system architecture of a large configurable neural net system employing a dedicated mapping algorithm for projecting the targeted biology-analog nets and dynamics onto the hardware with its attendant constraints.

Pulsed Multi-Layered Image Filtering: A VLSI Implementation

Image convolution similar to the receptive fields found in mammalian visual pathways has long been used in conventional image processing in the form of Gabor masks. However, no VLSI implementation of parallel, multi-layered pulsed processing has been brought forward which would emulate this property. We present a technical realization of such a pulsed image processing scheme. The discussed IC also serves as a general testbed for VLSI-based pulsed information processing, which is of interest especially with regard to the robustness of representing an analog signal in the phase or duration of a pulsed, quasi-digital signal, as well as the possibility of direct digital manipulation of such an analog signal. The network connectivity and processing properties are reconfigurable so as to allow adaptation to various processing tasks.