The Effect of Repeated Reading on Student Fluency: Does Practice Always Make Perfect?

Fluency is a skill that, unfortunately, many students lack. This deficiency causes students to be frustrated with, and overwhelmed by, the act of reading. However, research suggests that the repeated reading method may help students to improve their fluency. This study examines the effects of repeated readings on student fluency. The study-s overarching question is: What effect do increases in repeated reading have on reading fluency among middle school students from diverse backgrounds? More specifically, the authors examine whether repeated reading improves the fluency, reading speed, reading-oriented self-esteem, and confidence of students of diverse academic abilities, socio-economics statuses, and racial and ethnic backgrounds. To examine these questions the authors conducted a study using repeated reading strategies with a sample of students from an urban, middle school in the southeastern United States. We found that, on average, the use of repeated reading strategies increased students- fluency, words per minute (wpm) reading score, reading-oriented self-esteem, and confidence.

The Story of Mergers and Acquisitions: Using Narrative Theory to Understand the Uncertainty of Organizational Change

This paper examines the influence of communication form on employee uncertainty during mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Specifically, the author uses narrative theory to analyze how narrative organizational communication affects the three components of uncertainty – decreased predictive, explanatory, and descriptive ability. It is hypothesized that employees whose organizations use narrative M&A communication will have greater predictive, explanatory, and descriptive abilities than employees of organizations using non-narrative M&A communication. This paper contributes to the stream of research examining uncertainty during mergers and acquisitions and argues that narratives are an effective means of managing uncertainty in the mergers and acquisitions context.

Work and Religion: Artificial Dichotomy or Competing Interests?

Prior research has examined the relationship between religiosity, religious involvement, and involvement in secular, civic organizations. However, research has not examined the influence of religious involvement on secular, non-civic organizations (i.e. work organizations). This study examines the link between religiosity, religious involvement, and the three-component model of organizational commitment. More specifically, the author hypothesizes that individuals high in religiosity (and religious involvement) will have lower affective, continuance, and normative commitment than less religious (or non-religious) individuals. In addition, it is hypothesized that this relationship is moderated by a third factor: organizational spirituality. Further, the author hypothesizes that for organizations that are spiritual the negative relationship between religiosity and job commitment will be weakened or even negated.