Association Rule and Decision Tree based Methodsfor Fuzzy Rule Base Generation

This paper focuses on the data-driven generation of fuzzy IF...THEN rules. The resulted fuzzy rule base can be applied to build a classifier, a model used for prediction, or it can be applied to form a decision support system. Among the wide range of possible approaches, the decision tree and the association rule based algorithms are overviewed, and two new approaches are presented based on the a priori fuzzy clustering based partitioning of the continuous input variables. An application study is also presented, where the developed methods are tested on the well known Wisconsin Breast Cancer classification problem.

Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization of Supply Chains

Since supply chains highly impact the financial performance of companies, it is important to optimize and analyze their Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The synergistic combination of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Monte Carlo simulation is applied to determine the optimal reorder point of warehouses in supply chains. The goal of the optimization is the minimization of the objective function calculated as the linear combination of holding and order costs. The required values of service levels of the warehouses represent non-linear constraints in the PSO. The results illustrate that the developed stochastic simulator and optimization tool is flexible enough to handle complex situations.

Visualization and Indexing of Spectral Databases

On-line (near infrared) spectroscopy is widely used to support the operation of complex process systems. Information extracted from spectral database can be used to estimate unmeasured product properties and monitor the operation of the process. These techniques are based on looking for similar spectra by nearest neighborhood algorithms and distance based searching methods. Search for nearest neighbors in the spectral space is an NP-hard problem, the computational complexity increases by the number of points in the discrete spectrum and the number of samples in the database. To reduce the calculation time some kind of indexing could be used. The main idea presented in this paper is to combine indexing and visualization techniques to reduce the computational requirement of estimation algorithms by providing a two dimensional indexing that can also be used to visualize the structure of the spectral database. This 2D visualization of spectral database does not only support application of distance and similarity based techniques but enables the utilization of advanced clustering and prediction algorithms based on the Delaunay tessellation of the mapped spectral space. This means the prediction has not to use the high dimension space but can be based on the mapped space too. The results illustrate that the proposed method is able to segment (cluster) spectral databases and detect outliers that are not suitable for instance based learning algorithms.

Minimal Spanning Tree based Fuzzy Clustering

Most of fuzzy clustering algorithms have some discrepancies, e.g. they are not able to detect clusters with convex shapes, the number of the clusters should be a priori known, they suffer from numerical problems, like sensitiveness to the initialization, etc. This paper studies the synergistic combination of the hierarchical and graph theoretic minimal spanning tree based clustering algorithm with the partitional Gath-Geva fuzzy clustering algorithm. The aim of this hybridization is to increase the robustness and consistency of the clustering results and to decrease the number of the heuristically defined parameters of these algorithms to decrease the influence of the user on the clustering results. For the analysis of the resulted fuzzy clusters a new fuzzy similarity measure based tool has been presented. The calculated similarities of the clusters can be used for the hierarchical clustering of the resulted fuzzy clusters, which information is useful for cluster merging and for the visualization of the clustering results. As the examples used for the illustration of the operation of the new algorithm will show, the proposed algorithm can detect clusters from data with arbitrary shape and does not suffer from the numerical problems of the classical Gath-Geva fuzzy clustering algorithm.