Temporary Housing Respond to Disasters in Developing Countries- Case Study: Iran-Ardabil and Lorestan Province Earthquakes

Natural Disasters have always occurred through earth life. As human life developed on earth, he faced with different disasters. Since disasters would destroy his living areas and ruin his life, he learned how to respond and overcome to these matters. Nowadays, in the era of industrialized world and informatics, the man kind seeks for stages and classification of pre and post disaster process in order to identify a framework in these circumstances. Because too many parameters complicate these frameworks and proceedings, it seems that this goal has not been properly established yet and the only resource is guidelines of UNDRO (1982) [1]. This paper will discuss about temporary housing as one of an approved stage in disaster management field and investigate the affects of disapproval or dismissal of this at two earthquakes which took place in Iran.

Dissimilar Materials Joint and Effect of Angle Junction on Stress Distribution at Interface

in dissimilar material joints, failure often occurs along the interface between two materials due to stress singularity. Stress distribution and its concentration depend on materials and geometry of the junction. Inhomogenity of stress distribution at the interface of junction of two materials with different elastic modules and stress concentration in this zone are the main factors resulting in rupture of the junction. Effect of joining angle in the interface of aluminum-polycarbonate will be discussed in this paper. Computer simulation and finite element analysis by ABAQUS showed that convex interfacial joint leads to stress reduction at junction corners in compare with straight joint. This finding is confirmed by photoelastic experimental results.