Absent Theaters: A Virtual Reconstruction from Memories

Absent Theaters is a project that virtually reconstructs three theaters that existed in the twentieth century, demolished in the city of Medellin, Colombia: Circo España, Bolívar, and Junín. Virtual reconstruction is used as an excuse to talk with those who lived in their childhood and youth cultural spaces that formed a whole generation. Around 100 people who witnessed these theaters were interviewed. The means used to perform the oral history work was the virtual reconstruction of the interior of the theaters that were presented to the interviewees through the Virtual Reality glasses. The voices of people between 60 and 103 years old were used to generate a transmission of knowledge to the new generations about the importance of theaters as essential places for the city, as spaces generating social relations and knowledge of other cultures. Oral stories about events, the historical and social context of the city, were mixed with archive images and animations of the architectural transformations of these places. Oral stories about events, the historical and social context of the city, were mixed with archive images and animations of the architectural transformations of these places, with the purpose of compiling a collective discourse around cultural activities, heritage, and memory of Medellin.

Study on Wireless Transmission for Reconnaissance UAV with Wireless Sensor Network and Cylindrical Array of Microstrip Antennas

It is important for a commander to have real-time information to aware situations and to make decision in the battlefield. Results of modern technique developments have brought in this kind of information for military purposes. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is one of the means to gather intelligence owing to its widespread applications. It is still not clear whether or not the mini UAV with short-range wireless transmission system is used as a reconnaissance system in Taiwanese. In this paper, previous experience on the research of the sort of aerial vehicles has been applied with a data-relay system using the ZigBee modulus. The mini UAV developed is expected to be able to collect certain data in some appropriate theaters. The omni-directional antenna with high gain is also integrated into mini UAV to fit the size-reducing trend of airborne sensors. Two advantages are so far obvious. First, mini UAV can fly higher than usual to avoid being attacked from ground fires. Second, the data will be almost gathered during all maneuvering attitudes.

Housing Rehabilitation as a Means of Urban Regeneration and Population Integration

The proposed paper examines strategies whose aim is to counter the all too often sighted process of abandonment that characterizes contemporary cities. The city of Nicosia in Cyprus is used as an indicative case study, whereby several recent projects are presented as capitalizing on traditional cultural assets to revive the downtown. The reuse of existing building stock as museums, performing arts centers and theaters but also as in the form of various housing typologies is geared to strengthen the ranks of local residents and to spur economic growth. Unlike the examples from the 1960s, the architecture of more recent adaptive reuse for urban regeneration seems to be geared in reinforcing a connection to the city where the buildings often reflect the characteristics of their urban context.

A Study on Dogme 95 in the Korean Films

Many new experimental films which were free from conventional movie forms have appeared since Nubellbak Movement in the late 1950s. Forty years after the movement started, on March 13th, 1995, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of film, the declaration called Dogme 95, was issued in Copenhagen, Denmark. It aimed to create a new style of avant-garde film, and showed a tendency toward being anti-Hollywood and anti-genre, which were against the highly popular Hollywood trend of movies based on large-scale investment. The main idea of Dogme 95 is the opposition to 'the writer's doctrine' that a film should be the artist's individual work and to 'the overuse of technology' in film. The key figures declared ten principles called 'Vow of Chastity', by which new movie forms were to be produced. Interview (2000), directed by Byunhyuk, was made in 2000, five years after Dogme 95 was declared. This movie was dedicated as the first Asian Dogme. This study will survey the relationship between Korean film and the Vow of Chastity through the Korean films released in theaters from a viewpoint of technology and content. It also will call attention to its effects on and significance to Korean film in modern society.