An Empirical Mode Decomposition Based Method for Action Potential Detection in Neural Raw Data

Information in the nervous system is coded as firing patterns of electrical signals called action potential or spike so an essential step in analysis of neural mechanism is detection of action potentials embedded in the neural data. There are several methods proposed in the literature for such a purpose. In this paper a novel method based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) has been developed. EMD is a decomposition method that extracts oscillations with different frequency range in a waveform. The method is adaptive and no a-priori knowledge about data or parameter adjusting is needed in it. The results for simulated data indicate that proposed method is comparable with wavelet based methods for spike detection. For neural signals with signal-to-noise ratio near 3 proposed methods is capable to detect more than 95% of action potentials accurately.

Burst on Hurst Algorithm for Detecting Activity Patterns in Networks of Cortical Neurons

Electrophysiological signals were recorded from primary cultures of dissociated rat cortical neurons coupled to Micro-Electrode Arrays (MEAs). The neuronal discharge patterns may change under varying physiological and pathological conditions. For this reason, we developed a new burst detection method able to identify bursts with peculiar features in different experimental conditions (i.e. spontaneous activity and under the effect of specific drugs). The main feature of our algorithm (i.e. Burst On Hurst), based on the auto-similarity or fractal property of the recorded signal, is the independence from the chosen spike detection method since it works directly on the raw data.

EEG Spikes Detection, Sorting, and Localization

This study introduces a new method for detecting, sorting, and localizing spikes from multiunit EEG recordings. The method combines the wavelet transform, which localizes distinctive spike features, with Super-Paramagnetic Clustering (SPC) algorithm, which allows automatic classification of the data without assumptions such as low variance or Gaussian distributions. Moreover, the method is capable of setting amplitude thresholds for spike detection. The method makes use of several real EEG data sets, and accordingly the spikes are detected, clustered and their times were detected.