Ranking and Unranking Algorithms for k-ary Trees in Gray Code Order

In this paper, we present two new ranking and unranking algorithms for k-ary trees represented by x-sequences in Gray code order. These algorithms are based on a gray code generation algorithm developed by Ahrabian et al.. In mentioned paper, a recursive backtracking generation algorithm for x-sequences corresponding to k-ary trees in Gray code was presented. This generation algorithm is based on Vajnovszki-s algorithm for generating binary trees in Gray code ordering. Up to our knowledge no ranking and unranking algorithms were given for x-sequences in this ordering. we present ranking and unranking algorithms with O(kn2) time complexity for x-sequences in this Gray code ordering

Finding Authoritative Researchers on Academic Web Sites

In this paper, we present a methodology for finding authoritative researchers by analyzing academic Web sites. We show a case study in which we concentrate on a set of Czech computer science departments- Web sites. We analyze the relations between them via hyperlinks and find the most important ones using several common ranking algorithms. We then examine the contents of the research papers present on these sites and determine the most authoritative Czech authors.