Research on the Relevance Feedback-based Image Retrieval in Digital Library

In recent years, the relevance feedback technology is regarded in content-based image retrieval. This paper suggests a neural networks feedback algorithm based on the radial basis function, coming to extract the semantic character of image. The results of experiment indicated that the performance of this relevance feedback is better than the feedback algorithm based on Single-RBF.

An Approach for Reducing the Computational Complexity of LAMSTAR Intrusion Detection System using Principal Component Analysis

The security of computer networks plays a strategic role in modern computer systems. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) act as the 'second line of defense' placed inside a protected network, looking for known or potential threats in network traffic and/or audit data recorded by hosts. We developed an Intrusion Detection System using LAMSTAR neural network to learn patterns of normal and intrusive activities, to classify observed system activities and compared the performance of LAMSTAR IDS with other classification techniques using 5 classes of KDDCup99 data. LAMSAR IDS gives better performance at the cost of high Computational complexity, Training time and Testing time, when compared to other classification techniques (Binary Tree classifier, RBF classifier, Gaussian Mixture classifier). we further reduced the Computational Complexity of LAMSTAR IDS by reducing the dimension of the data using principal component analysis which in turn reduces the training and testing time with almost the same performance.