Relaxing Convergence Constraints in Local Priority Hysteresis Switching Logic

This paper addresses certain inherent limitations of local priority hysteresis switching logic. Our main result establishes that under persistent excitation assumption, it is possible to relax constraints requiring strict positivity of local priority and hysteresis switching constants. Relaxing these constraints allows the adaptive system to reach optimality which implies the performance improvement. The unconstrained local priority hysteresis switching logic is examined and conditions for global convergence are derived.

A New Modification of Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Coefficients with Global Convergence Properties

Conjugate gradient method has been enormously used to solve large scale unconstrained optimization problems due to the number of iteration, memory, CPU time, and convergence property, in this paper we find a new class of nonlinear conjugate gradient coefficient with global convergence properties proved by exact line search. The numerical results for our new βK give a good result when it compared with well known formulas.

Inexact Alternating Direction Method for Variational Inequality Problems with Linear Equality Constraints

In this article, a new inexact alternating direction method(ADM) is proposed for solving a class of variational inequality problems. At each iteration, the new method firstly solves the resulting subproblems of ADM approximately to generate an temporal point ˜xk, and then the multiplier yk is updated to get the new iterate yk+1. In order to get xk+1, we adopt a new descent direction which is simple compared with the existing prediction-correction type ADMs. For the inexact ADM, the resulting proximal subproblem has closedform solution when the proximal parameter and inexact term are chosen appropriately. We show the efficiency of the inexact ADM numerically by some preliminary numerical experiments.

Proximal Parallel Alternating Direction Method for Monotone Structured Variational Inequalities

In this paper, we focus on the alternating direction method, which is one of the most effective methods for solving structured variational inequalities(VI). In fact, we propose a proximal parallel alternating direction method which only needs to solve two strongly monotone sub-VI problems at each iteration. Convergence of the new method is proved under mild assumptions. We also present some preliminary numerical results, which indicate that the new method is quite efficient.

Evolving Neural Networks using Moment Method for Handwritten Digit Recognition

This paper proposes a neural network weights and topology optimization using genetic evolution and the backpropagation training algorithm. The proposed crossover and mutation operators aims to adapt the networks architectures and weights during the evolution process. Through a specific inheritance procedure, the weights are transmitted from the parents to their offsprings, which allows re-exploitation of the already trained networks and hence the acceleration of the global convergence of the algorithm. In the preprocessing phase, a new feature extraction method is proposed based on Legendre moments with the Maximum entropy principle MEP as a selection criterion. This allows a global search space reduction in the design of the networks. The proposed method has been applied and tested on the well known MNIST database of handwritten digits.