Exponential Stability of Periodic Solutions in Inertial Neural Networks with Unbounded Delay

In this paper, the exponential stability of periodic solutions in inertial neural networks with unbounded delay are investigated. First, using variable substitution the system is transformed to first order differential equation. Second, by the fixed-point theorem and constructing suitable Lyapunov function, some sufficient conditions guaranteeing the existence and exponential stability of periodic solutions of the system are obtained. Finally, two examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the results.

IFS on the Multi-Fuzzy Fractal Space

The IFS is a scheme for describing and manipulating complex fractal attractors using simple mathematical models. More precisely, the most popular “fractal –based" algorithms for both representation and compression of computer images have involved some implementation of the method of Iterated Function Systems (IFS) on complete metric spaces. In this paper a new generalized space called Multi-Fuzzy Fractal Space was constructed. On these spases a distance function is defined, and its completeness is proved. The completeness property of this space ensures the existence of a fixed-point theorem for the family of continuous mappings. This theorem is the fundamental result on which the IFS methods are based and the fractals are built. The defined mappings are proved to satisfy some generalizations of the contraction condition.