Increase of Error Detection Effectiveness in the Data Transmission Channels with Pulse-Amplitude Modulation

In this paper an approaches for increasing the effectiveness of error detection in computer network channels with Pulse-Amplitude Modulation (PAM) has been proposed. Proposed approaches are based on consideration of special feature of errors, which are appearances in line with PAM. The first approach consists of CRC modification specifically for line with PAM. The second approach is base of weighted checksums using. The way for checksum components coding has been developed. It has been shown that proposed checksum modification ensure superior digital data control transformation reliability for channels with PAM in compare to CRC.

Performance Evaluation of Data Transfer Protocol GridFTP for Grid Computing

In Grid computing, a data transfer protocol called GridFTP has been widely used for efficiently transferring a large volume of data. Currently, two versions of GridFTP protocols, GridFTP version 1 (GridFTP v1) and GridFTP version 2 (GridFTP v2), have been proposed in the GGF. GridFTP v2 supports several advanced features such as data streaming, dynamic resource allocation, and checksum transfer, by defining a transfer mode called X-block mode. However, in the literature, effectiveness of GridFTP v2 has not been fully investigated. In this paper, we therefore quantitatively evaluate performance of GridFTP v1 and GridFTP v2 using mathematical analysis and simulation experiments. We reveal the performance limitation of GridFTP v1, and quantitatively show effectiveness of GridFTP v2. Through several numerical examples, we show that by utilizing the data streaming feature, the average file transfer time of GridFTP v2 is significantly smaller than that of GridFTP v1.