Implementation of Quantum Rotation Gates Using Controlled Non-Adiabatic Evolutions

Quantum gates are the basic building blocks in the quantum circuits model. These gates can be implemented using adiabatic or non adiabatic processes. Adiabatic models can be controlled using auxiliary qubits, whereas non adiabatic models can be simplified by using one single-shot implementation. In this paper, the controlled adiabatic evolutions is combined with the single-shot implementation to obtain quantum gates with controlled non adiabatic evolutions. This is an important improvement which can speed the implementation of quantum gates and reduce the errors due to the long run in the adiabatic model. The robustness of our scheme to different types of errors is also investigated.

Entanglement-based Quantum Computing by Diagrams of States

We explore entanglement in composite quantum systems and how its peculiar properties are exploited in quantum information and communication protocols by means of Diagrams of States, a novel method to graphically represent and analyze how quantum information is elaborated during computations performed by quantum circuits. We present quantum diagrams of states for Bell states generation, measurements and projections, for dense coding and quantum teleportation, for probabilistic quantum machines designed to perform approximate quantum cloning and universal NOT and, finally, for quantum privacy amplification based on entanglement purification. Diagrams of states prove to be a useful approach to analyze quantum computations, by offering an intuitive graphic representation of the processing of quantum information. They also help in conceiving novel quantum computations, from describing the desired information processing to deriving the final implementation by quantum gate arrays.

Application of Genetic Algorithms for Evolution of Quantum Equivalents of Boolean Circuits

Due to the non- intuitive nature of Quantum algorithms, it becomes difficult for a classically trained person to efficiently construct new ones. So rather than designing new algorithms manually, lately, Genetic algorithms (GA) are being implemented for this purpose. GA is a technique to automatically solve a problem using principles of Darwinian evolution. This has been implemented to explore the possibility of evolving an n-qubit circuit when the circuit matrix has been provided using a set of single, two and three qubit gates. Using a variable length population and universal stochastic selection procedure, a number of possible solution circuits, with different number of gates can be obtained for the same input matrix during different runs of GA. The given algorithm has also been successfully implemented to obtain two and three qubit Boolean circuits using Quantum gates. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the GA procedure even when the search spaces are large.