Genetic Polymorphisms and Haplotype Structure of the Organic Cation Transporter 1 Gene in the Zulu Population of South Africa

Organic cation transporter (OCT) 1could influence an individual’s response to various treatments and increase their susceptibility to diseases.Genotypic and allelic frequencies of nineteen non-synonymous and one intronic Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) from the OCT1 gene were determined in 101 unrelated healthy Zulu participants, using a SNaPshot® multiplex assay. Minor allele frequencies (MAF)were compared to representative populations of Africa, Asia and Europe, from Ensembl. MAFs for S14F, V519F, rs622342 and P341L were 2.0%, 6.0%, 6.0% and 1.0%, respectively. Sixteen of nineteen investigated non-synonymous SNPs were monomorphic. No study participant harbored variant alleles for S189L, G220V, P283L, G401S, M420V, M440I, G465R, I542V, R61C, R287G, C88S, A306T, A413V, I421F, C436F and V501E. Haplotype, CGTCGCCGCGCAAGAGGTGA, was most frequently observed (81.23%).Further investigations are encouraged to evaluate potential roles these SNPs could play in the therapeutic efficacy of clinically important drugs and in the development of various diseases in the Zulu population.

Prognostic and Diagnostic Modes of Mathematical Model for the Pre-operation of Suspended Sediment Transport model in Estuaries and Coastal areas

Both prognostic and diagnostic modes of a 3D baroclinic model in hydrodynamic and sediment transport models of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) were conducted to separate prognose and diagnose effects of different hydrodynamic factors on transport of suspended sediment discharged from the rivers to the Gulf of Thailand (GoT). Both transport modes of suspended sediment distribution in the GoT were numerically simulated. It could be concluded that the suspended sediment discharged from the rivers around the GoT. Most of sediments in estuaries and coastal areas are deposited outside the GoT under the condition of wind-driven current, and very small amount of the sediments of them are transported faraway. On the basis of wind forcing, sediments from the lower GoT to the upper GoT are mainly transported south-northwestward and also continuously moved north-southwestward. An obvious 3D characteristic of suspended sediment transport is produced in the wind-driven current residual circulation condition. In this study, the transport patterns at the third layer are generally consistent with the typhoon-induced strong currents in two case studies of Typhoon Linda 1997. The case studies presented the prognostic and diagnostic modes during 00UTC28OCT1997 to 12UTC06NOV1997 in a short period with the current condition for pre-operation of the suspended sediment transport model in estuaries and coastal areas.