Spatial Analysis of Park and Ride Users’ Dynamic Accessibility to Train Station: A Case Study in Perth

Accessibility analysis, examining people’s ability to access facilities and destinations, is a fundamental assessment for transport planning, policy making, and social exclusion research. Dynamic accessibility which measures accessibility in real-time traffic environment has been an advanced accessibility indicator in transport research. It is also a useful indicator to help travelers to understand travel time daily variability, assists traffic engineers to monitor traffic congestions, and finally develop effective strategies in order to mitigate traffic congestions. This research involved real-time traffic information by collecting travel time data with 15-minute interval via the TomTom® API. A framework for measuring dynamic accessibility was then developed based on the gravity theory and accessibility dichotomy theory through space and time interpolation. Finally, the dynamic accessibility can be derived at any given time and location under dynamic accessibility spatial analysis framework.

Enhance Security in XML Databases: XLog File for Severity-Aware Trust-Based Access Control

The topic of enhancing security in XML databases is important as it includes protecting sensitive data and providing a secure environment to users. In order to improve security and provide dynamic access control for XML databases, we presented XLog file to calculate user trust values by recording users’ bad transaction, errors and query severities. Severity-aware trust-based access control for XML databases manages the access policy depending on users' trust values and prevents unauthorized processes, malicious transactions and insider threats. Privileges are automatically modified and adjusted over time depending on user behaviour and query severity. Logging in database is an important process and is used for recovery and security purposes. In this paper, the Xlog file is presented as a dynamic and temporary log file for XML databases to enhance the level of security.

Peaceful Coexistence of IEEE 802.11 and IEEE802.16 Standards in 5GHz Unlicensed Bands

Cognitive radio devices have been considered as a key technology for next-generation of wireless communication. These devices in the context of IEEE 802.11 standards and IEEE 802.16 standards, can opportunistically utilize the wireless spectrum to achieve better user performance and improve the overall spectrumutilization efficiency, mainly in the unlicensed 5 GHz bands. However, opportunistic use of wireless spectrum creates news problems such as peaceful coexistence with other wireless technologies, such as the radiolocation systems, as well as understanding the influence of interference that each of these networks can create. In this paper, we suggest a dynamic access model that considerably reduces this interference and allows efficiency and fairness use of the wireless spectrum.