Abstract: The evolution and integration of automated vehicles have become more and more tangible in recent years. State-of-the-art technological advances in the field of camera-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer vision greatly favor the performance and reliability of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), leading to a greater knowledge of vehicular operation and resembling the human behaviour. However, the exclusive use of this technology still seems insufficient to control the vehicular operation at 100%. To reveal the degree of accuracy of the current camera-based automated driving AI modules, this paper studies the structure and behavior of one of the main solutions in a controlled testing environment. The results obtained clearly outline the lack of reliability when using exclusively the AI model in the perception stage, thereby entailing using additional complementary sensors to improve its safety and performance.
Abstract: Forest inventories are essential to assess the composition, structure and distribution of forest vegetation that can be used as baseline information for management decisions. Classical forest inventory is labor intensive and time-consuming and sometimes even dangerous. The use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) in forest inventory would improve and overcome these restrictions. This study was conducted to determine the possibility of using LiDAR derived data in extracting high accuracy forest biophysical parameters and as a non-destructive method for forest status analysis of San Manual, Pangasinan. Forest resources extraction was carried out using LAS tools, GIS, Envi and .bat scripts with the available LiDAR data. The process includes the generation of derivatives such as Digital Terrain Model (DTM), Canopy Height Model (CHM) and Canopy Cover Model (CCM) in .bat scripts followed by the generation of 17 composite bands to be used in the extraction of forest classification covers using ENVI 4.8 and GIS software. The Diameter in Breast Height (DBH), Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and Carbon Stock (CS) were estimated for each classified forest cover and Tree Count Extraction was carried out using GIS. Subsequently, field validation was conducted for accuracy assessment. Results showed that the forest of San Manuel has 73% Forest Cover, which is relatively much higher as compared to the 10% canopy cover requirement. On the extracted canopy height, 80% of the tree’s height ranges from 12 m to 17 m. CS of the three forest covers based on the AGB were: 20819.59 kg/20x20 m for closed broadleaf, 8609.82 kg/20x20 m for broadleaf plantation and 15545.57 kg/20x20m for open broadleaf. Average tree counts for the tree forest plantation was 413 trees/ha. As such, the forest of San Manuel has high percent forest cover and high CS.
Abstract: In this study, it was aimed to determine a route for identification of rice cultivation areas within Thrace and Marmara regions of Turkey using remote sensing and GIS. Landsat 8 (OLI-TIRS) imageries acquired in production season of 2013 with 181/32 Path/Row number were used. Four different seasonal images were generated utilizing original bands and different transformation techniques. All images were classified individually using supervised classification techniques and Land Use Land Cover Maps (LULC) were generated with 8 classes. Areas (ha, %) of each classes were calculated. In addition, district-based rice distribution maps were developed and results of these maps were compared with Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkSTAT; TSI)’s actual rice cultivation area records. Accuracy assessments were conducted, and most accurate map was selected depending on accuracy assessment and coherency with TSI results. Additionally, rice areas on over 4° slope values were considered as mis-classified pixels and they eliminated using slope map and GIS tools. Finally, randomized rice zones were selected to obtain maximum-minimum value ranges of each date (May, June, July, August, September images separately) NDVI, LSWI, and LST images to test whether they may be used for rice area determination via raster calculator tool of ArcGIS. The most accurate classification for rice determination was obtained from seasonal LSWI LULC map, and considering TSI data and accuracy assessment results and mis-classified pixels were eliminated from this map. According to results, 83151.5 ha of rice areas exist within study area. However, this result is higher than TSI records with an area of 12702.3 ha. Use of maximum-minimum range of rice area NDVI, LSWI, and LST was tested in Meric district. It was seen that using the value ranges obtained from July imagery, gave the closest results to TSI records, and the difference was only 206.4 ha. This difference is normal due to relatively low resolution of images. Thus, employment of images with higher spectral, spatial, temporal and radiometric resolutions may provide more reliable results.
Abstract: In present study, it was aimed to determine potential
agricultural lands (PALs) in Gokceada (Imroz) Island of Canakkale
province, Turkey. Seven-band Landsat 8 OLI images acquired on
July 12 and August 13, 2013, and their 14-band combination image
were used to identify current Land Use Land Cover (LULC) status.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to three Landsat
datasets in order to reduce the correlation between the bands. A total
of six Original and PCA images were classified using supervised
classification method to obtain the LULC maps including 6 main
classes (“Forest”, “Agriculture”, “Water Surface”, “Residential Area-
Bare Soil”, “Reforestation” and “Other”). Accuracy assessment was
performed by checking the accuracy of 120 randomized points for
each LULC maps. The best overall accuracy and Kappa statistic
values (90.83%, 0.8791% respectively) were found for PCA images
which were generated from 14-bands combined images called 3-
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 15 m spatial resolution
(ASTER) was used to consider topographical characteristics. Soil
properties were obtained by digitizing 1:25000 scaled soil maps of
Rural Services Directorate General. Potential Agricultural Lands
(PALs) were determined using Geographic information Systems
(GIS). Procedure was applied considering that “Other” class of
LULC map may be used for agricultural purposes in the future
properties. Overlaying analysis was conducted using Slope (S), Land
Use Capability Class (LUCC), Other Soil Properties (OSP) and Land
Use Capability Sub-Class (SUBC) properties.
A total of 901.62 ha areas within “Other” class (15798.2 ha) of
LULC map were determined as PALs. These lands were ranked as
“Very Suitable”, “Suitable”, “Moderate Suitable” and “Low
Suitable”. It was determined that the 8.03 ha were classified as “Very
Suitable” while 18.59 ha as suitable and 11.44 ha as “Moderate
Suitable” for PALs. In addition, 756.56 ha were found to be “Low
Suitable”. The results obtained from this preliminary study can serve
as basis for further studies.
Abstract: In order to develop forest management strategies in
tropical forest in Malaysia, surveying the forest resources and
monitoring the forest area affected by logging activities is essential.
There are tremendous effort has been done in classification of land
cover related to forest resource management in this country as it is a
priority in all aspects of forest mapping using remote sensing and
related technology such as GIS. In fact classification process is a
compulsory step in any remote sensing research. Therefore, the main
objective of this paper is to assess classification accuracy of
classified forest map on Landsat TM data from difference number of
reference data (200 and 388 reference data). This comparison was
made through observation (200 reference data), and interpretation
and observation approaches (388 reference data). Five land cover
classes namely primary forest, logged over forest, water bodies, bare
land and agricultural crop/mixed horticultural can be identified by
the differences in spectral wavelength. Result showed that an overall
accuracy from 200 reference data was 83.5 % (kappa value
0.7502459; kappa variance 0.002871), which was considered
acceptable or good for optical data. However, when 200 reference
data was increased to 388 in the confusion matrix, the accuracy
slightly improved from 83.5% to 89.17%, with Kappa statistic
increased from 0.7502459 to 0.8026135, respectively. The accuracy
in this classification suggested that this strategy for the selection of
training area, interpretation approaches and number of reference data
used were importance to perform better classification result.
Abstract: A 3D industrial computed tomography (CT)
manufactured based on a first generation CT systems, single-source
– single-detector, was evaluated. Operation accuracy assessment of
the manufactured system was achieved using simulation in
comparison with experimental tests. 137Cs and 60Co were used as a gamma source. Simulations were achieved using MCNP4C code.
Experimental tests of 137Cs were in good agreement with the simulations