Failure Criterion for Mixed Mode Fracture of Cracked Wood Specimens
Investigation of fracture of wood components can prevent from catastrophic failures. Created fracture process zone (FPZ) in crack tip vicinity has important effect on failure of cracked composite materials. In this paper, a failure criterion for fracture investigation of cracked wood specimens under mixed mode I/II loading is presented. This criterion is based on maximum strain energy release rate and material nonlinearity in the vicinity of crack tip due to presence of microcracks. Verification of results with available experimental data proves the coincidence of the proposed criterion with the nature of fracture of wood. To simplify the estimation of nonlinear properties of FPZ, a damage factor is also introduced for engineering and application purposes.
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[1] Smith, I. Landis, E. Gong, M. 2003. Fracture and Fatigue in Wood. Wiley Publisher.
[2] Romanowicz, M., Seweryn, A. 2008. Verification of a non-local stress criterion for mixed mode fracture in wood. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Article in Press.
[3] Vasic, S. 2000. Application of fracture mechanics to wood. PhD Thesis. University of New Brunswick, Fredriction, NB, Canada.
[4] Mall, S., Murphy, J.E.1983. Criterion for mixed mode fracture in wood. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 109(3):680-690.
[5] Wu, E.M.1976. Application of fracture mechanics to anisotropic plates. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 34(4): 967-974.
[6] Griffith, A. A.1921. The phenomena of rupture and flow in solids. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 221:163-197.
[7] Sih GC.1974. Strain-energy density factor applied to mixed mode crack problems. International Journal of Fracture, 10:305–21.
[8] Jernkvist L. O. 2001, Fracture of wood under mode loading I. Derivation of fracture criteria. Engineering fracture mechanics, 68:549-563.
[9] Jernkvist L. O. 2001, Fracture of wood under mode loading, II: Experimental investigation of picea abies. Engineering fracture mechanics, 68:565-576.
[10] Vasic, S. and Smith, I. 2002. Bridging crack model for fracture of spruce. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 69: 745-760.
[11] Hillerborg, A., Modeer, M. and Petersson, P. E. 1976. Analysis of crack formation and crack growth in concrete by means of fracture mechanics and finite elements. Cement and Concrete research, 6: 773-782.
[12] Hunt D. G., Croager W. P. 1982. Mode II fracture toughness of wood measured by a mixed-mode test method. J Mat Sci Lett, 1: 77-79.
[13] USDA. 1999. Wood Handbook: Wood as an engineering material. Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC,USA.
[14] Budiansky, B. O’Connell R. J. 1976. Elastic moduli of cracked solid. International Journal Solids Structures, 12: 81-97.
@article{"International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Sciences:75999", author = "Mahdi Fakoor and Seyed Mohammad Navid Ghoreishi", title = "Failure Criterion for Mixed Mode Fracture of Cracked Wood Specimens", abstract = "Investigation of fracture of wood components can prevent from catastrophic failures. Created fracture process zone (FPZ) in crack tip vicinity has important effect on failure of cracked composite materials. In this paper, a failure criterion for fracture investigation of cracked wood specimens under mixed mode I/II loading is presented. This criterion is based on maximum strain energy release rate and material nonlinearity in the vicinity of crack tip due to presence of microcracks. Verification of results with available experimental data proves the coincidence of the proposed criterion with the nature of fracture of wood. To simplify the estimation of nonlinear properties of FPZ, a damage factor is also introduced for engineering and application purposes.
", keywords = "Fracture criterion, mixed mode loading, damage zone, microcracks.", volume = "11", number = "7", pages = "1365-7", }