Detection of Clipped Fragments in Speech Signals

In this paper a novel method for the detection of  clipping in speech signals is described. It is shown that the new  method has better performance than known clipping detection  methods, is easy to implement, and is robust to changes in signal  amplitude, size of data, etc. Statistical simulation results are  presented.  

Time Delay Estimation Using Signal Envelopes for Synchronisation of Recordings

In this work, a method of time delay estimation for  dual-channel acoustic signals (speech, music, etc.) recorded under  reverberant conditions is investigated. Standard methods based on  cross-correlation of the signals show poor results in cases involving  strong reverberation, large distances between microphones and  asynchronous recordings. Under similar conditions, a method based  on cross-correlation of temporal envelopes of the signals delivers a  delay estimation of acceptable quality. This method and its properties  are described and investigated in detail, including its limits of  applicability. The method’s optimal parameter estimation and a  comparison with other known methods of time delay estimation are  also provided.