Bounds on the Second Stage Spectral Radius of Graphs

Let G be a graph of order n. The second stage adjacency matrix of G is the symmetric n × n matrix for which the ijth entry is 1 if the vertices vi and vj are of distance two; otherwise 0. The sum of the absolute values of this second stage adjacency matrix is called the second stage energy of G. In this paper we investigate a few properties and determine some upper bounds for the largest eigenvalue.

On Detour Spectra of Some Graphs

The Detour matrix (DD) of a graph has for its ( i , j) entry the length of the longest path between vertices i and j. The DD-eigenvalues of a connected graph G are the eigenvalues for its detour matrix, and they form the DD-spectrum of G. The DD-energy EDD of the graph G is the sum of the absolute values of its DDeigenvalues. Two connected graphs are said to be DD- equienergetic if they have equal DD-energies. In this paper, the DD- spectra of a variety of graphs and their DD-energies are calculated.