Reconfiguration of Deregulated Distribution Network for Minimizing Energy Supply Cost by using Multi-Objective BGA

In this paper, the problem of finding the optimal topological configuration of a deregulated distribution network is considered. The new features of this paper are proposing a multiobjective function and its application on deregulated distribution networks for finding the optimal configuration. The multi-objective function will be defined for minimizing total Energy Supply Costs (ESC) and energy losses subject to load flow constraints. The optimal configuration will be obtained by using Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA).The proposed method has been tested to analyze a sample and a practical distribution networks.

Application of Neural Network for Contingency Ranking Based on Combination of Severity Indices

In this paper, an improved technique for contingency ranking using artificial neural network (ANN) is presented. The proposed approach is based on multi-layer perceptrons trained by backpropagation to contingency analysis. Severity indices in dynamic stability assessment are presented. These indices are based on the concept of coherency and three dot products of the system variables. It is well known that some indices work better than others for a particular power system. This paper along with test results using several different systems, demonstrates that combination of indices with ANN provides better ranking than a single index. The presented results are obtained through the use of power system simulation (PSS/E) and MATLAB 6.5 software.

Losses Analysis in TEP Considering Uncertainity in Demand by DPSO

This paper presents a mathematical model and a methodology to analyze the losses in transmission expansion planning (TEP) under uncertainty in demand. The methodology is based on discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO). DPSO is a useful and powerful stochastic evolutionary algorithm to solve the large-scale, discrete and nonlinear optimization problems like TEP. The effectiveness of the proposed idea is tested on an actual transmission network of the Azerbaijan regional electric company, Iran. The simulation results show that considering the losses even for transmission expansion planning of a network with low load growth is caused that operational costs decreases considerably and the network satisfies the requirement of delivering electric power more reliable to load centers.