Multi-matrix Real-coded Genetic Algorithm for Minimising Total Costs in Logistics Chain Network

The importance of supply chain and logistics management has been widely recognised. Effective management of the supply chain can reduce costs and lead times and improve responsiveness to changing customer demands. This paper proposes a multi-matrix real-coded Generic Algorithm (MRGA) based optimisation tool that minimises total costs associated within supply chain logistics. According to finite capacity constraints of all parties within the chain, Genetic Algorithm (GA) often produces infeasible chromosomes during initialisation and evolution processes. In the proposed algorithm, chromosome initialisation procedure, crossover and mutation operations that always guarantee feasible solutions were embedded. The proposed algorithm was tested using three sizes of benchmarking dataset of logistic chain network, which are typical of those faced by most global manufacturing companies. A half fractional factorial design was carried out to investigate the influence of alternative crossover and mutation operators by varying GA parameters. The analysis of experimental results suggested that the quality of solutions obtained is sensitive to the ways in which the genetic parameters and operators are set.

A New Heuristic for Improving the Performance of Genetic Algorithm

The hybridisation of genetic algorithm with heuristics has been shown to be one of an effective way to improve its performance. In this work, genetic algorithm hybridised with four heuristics including a new heuristic called neighbourhood improvement were investigated through the classical travelling salesman problem. The experimental results showed that the proposed heuristic outperformed other heuristics both in terms of quality of the results obtained and the computational time.