Restartings: A Technique to Improve Classic Genetic Algorithms Performance

In this contribution, a way to enhance the performance of the classic Genetic Algorithm is proposed. The idea of restarting a Genetic Algorithm is applied in order to obtain better knowledge of the solution space of the problem. A new operator of 'insertion' is introduced so as to exploit (utilize) the information that has already been collected before the restarting procedure. Finally, numerical experiments comparing the performance of the classic Genetic Algorithm and the Genetic Algorithm with restartings, for some well known test functions, are given.

Intuition Operator: Providing Genomes with Reason

In this contribution, the use of a new genetic operator is proposed. The main advantage of using this operator is that it is able to assist the evolution procedure to converge faster towards the optimal solution of a problem. This new genetic operator is called ''intuition'' operator. Generally speaking, one can claim that this operator is a way to include any heuristic or any other local knowledge, concerning the problem, that cannot be embedded in the fitness function. Simulation results show that the use of this operator increases significantly the performance of the classic Genetic Algorithm by increasing the convergence speed of its population.