Microcontroller Based EOG Guided Wheelchair

A new cost effective, eye controlled method was introduced to guide and control a wheel chair for disable people, based on Electrooculography (EOG). The guidance and control is effected by eye ball movements within the socket. The system consists of a standard electric wheelchair with an on-board microcontroller system attached. EOG is a new technology to sense the eye signals for eye movements and these signals are captured using electrodes, signal processed such as amplification, noise filtering, and then given to microcontroller which drives the motors attached with wheel chair for propulsion. This technique could be very useful in applications such as mobility for handicapped and paralyzed persons.

DTMF Based Robot Assisted Tele Surgery

A new and cost effective robotic device was designed for remote tele surgery using dual tone multi frequency technology (DTMF). Tele system with Dual Tone Multiple Frequency has a large capability in sending and receiving of data in hardware and software. The robot consists of DC motors for arm movements and it is controlled manually through a mobile phone through DTMF Technology. The system enables the surgeon from base station to send commands through mobile phone to the patient’s robotic system which includes two robotic arms that translate the input into actual instrument manipulation. A mobile phone attached to the microcontroller 8051 which can activate robot through relays. The Remote robot-assisted tele surgery eliminates geographic constraints for getting surgical expertise where it is needed and allows an expert surgeon to teach or proctor the performance of surgical technique by real-time intervention.