Performance Evaluation of ROI Extraction Models from Stationary Images

In this paper three basic approaches and different methods under each of them for extracting region of interest (ROI) from stationary images are explored. The results obtained for each of the proposed methods are shown, and it is demonstrated where each method outperforms the other. Two main problems in ROI extraction: the channel selection problem and the saliency reversal problem are discussed and how best these two are addressed by various methods is also seen. The basic approaches are 1) Saliency based approach 2) Wavelet based approach 3) Clustering based approach. The saliency approach performs well on images containing objects of high saturation and brightness. The wavelet based approach performs well on natural scene images that contain regions of distinct textures. The mean shift clustering approach partitions the image into regions according to the density distribution of pixel intensities. The experimental results of various methodologies show that each technique performs at different acceptable levels for various types of images.