ECG Analysis using Nature Inspired Algorithm

This paper presents an algorithm based on the wavelet decomposition, for feature extraction from the ECG signal and recognition of three types of Ventricular Arrhythmias using neural networks. A set of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients, which contain the maximum information about the arrhythmias, is selected from the wavelet decomposition. After that a novel clustering algorithm based on nature inspired algorithm (Ant Colony Optimization) is developed for classifying arrhythmia types. The algorithm is applied on the ECG registrations from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia and malignant ventricular arrhythmia databases. We applied Daubechies 4 wavelet in our algorithm. The wavelet decomposition enabled us to perform the task efficiently and produced reliable results.

Design of Digital IIR filters with the Advantages of Model Order Reduction Technique

In this paper, a new model order reduction phenomenon is introduced at the design stage of linear phase digital IIR filter. The complexity of a system can be reduced by adopting the model order reduction method in their design. In this paper a mixed method of model order reduction is proposed for linear IIR filter. The proposed method employs the advantages of factor division technique to derive the reduced order denominator polynomial and the reduced order numerator is obtained based on the resultant denominator polynomial. The order reduction technique is used to reduce the delay units at the design stage of IIR filter. The validity of the proposed method is illustrated with design example in frequency domain and stability is also examined with help of nyquist plot.