Operating Live E! Digital Meteorological Equipments Using Solar Photovoltaics

We installed solar panels and digital meteorological equipments whose electrical power is supplied using PV on July 13, 2011. Then, the relationship between the electric power generation and the irradiation, air temperature, and wind velocity was investigated on a roof at a university. The electrical power generation, irradiation, air temperature, and wind velocity were monitored over two years. By analyzing the measured meteorological data and electric power generation data using PTC, we calculated the size of the solar panel that is most suitable for this system. We also calculated the wasted power generation using PTC with the measured meteorological data obtained in this study. In conclusion, to reduce the "wasted power generation", a smaller-size solar panel is required for stable operation.

Supplementary JAVA Programming Course for e-Learning with Small-Group Instruction

We have designed and implemented e-Learning materials for a JAVA programming course since 2004 and have found that “normal” students, meaning motivated and capable students, can successfully learn the course material taught in a fully online manner. However, for “weaker” students, meaning those lacking motivation, experience, and/or aptitude, the results have been unsatisfactory, and such students thus fall into the supplementary category. From 2007 to 2008, we offered a face-to-face class with small-group instruction for the weaker students, while we provided the fully online course for the normal students. Consequently, we succeeded in helping the weaker students to overcome their programming phobia and develop the ability to create basic programs.

Learning Based On Computer Science Unplugged in Computer Science Education: Design, Development, and Assessment

Although, all high school students in Japan are required to learn informatics, many of them do not learn this topic sufficiently. In response to this situation, we propose a support package for high school informatics classes. To examine what students learned and if they sufficiently understood the context of the lessons, a questionnaire survey was distributed to 186 students. We analyzed the results of the questionnaire and determined the weakest units, which were “basic computer configuration” and “memory and secondary storage”. We then developed a package for teaching these units. We propose that our package be applied in high school classrooms.