Abstract: Automatic currency note recognition invariably
depends on the currency note characteristics of a particular country
and the extraction of features directly affects the recognition ability.
Sri Lanka has not been involved in any kind of research or
implementation of this kind. The proposed system “SLCRec" comes
up with a solution focusing on minimizing false rejection of notes.
Sri Lankan currency notes undergo severe changes in image quality
in usage. Hence a special linear transformation function is adapted to
wipe out noise patterns from backgrounds without affecting the
notes- characteristic images and re-appear images of interest. The
transformation maps the original gray scale range into a smaller
range of 0 to 125. Applying Edge detection after the transformation
provided better robustness for noise and fair representation of edges
for new and old damaged notes. A three layer back propagation
neural network is presented with the number of edges detected in row
order of the notes and classification is accepted in four classes of
interest which are 100, 500, 1000 and 2000 rupee notes. The
experiments showed good classification results and proved that the
proposed methodology has the capability of separating classes
properly in varying image conditions.