The Splitting Upwind Schemes for Spectral Action Balance Equation

The spectral action balance equation is an equation that used to simulate short-crested wind-generated waves in shallow water areas such as coastal regions and inland waters. This equation consists of two spatial dimensions, wave direction, and wave frequency which can be solved by finite difference method. When this equation with dominating convection term are discretized using central differences, stability problems occur when the grid spacing is chosen too coarse. In this paper, we introduce the splitting upwind schemes for avoiding stability problems and prove that it is consistent to the upwind scheme with same accuracy. The splitting upwind schemes was adopted to split the wave spectral action balance equation into four onedimensional problems, which for each small problem obtains the independently tridiagonal linear systems. For each smaller system can be solved by direct or iterative methods at the same time which is very fast when performed by a multi-processor computer.

Numerical Grid Generation of Oceanic Model for the Andaman Sea

The study of the Andaman Sea can be studied by using the oceanic model; therefore the grid covering the study area should be generated. This research aims to generate grid covering the Andaman Sea, situated between longitudes 90◦E to 101◦E and latitudes 1◦N to 18◦N. A horizontal grid is an orthogonal curvilinear with 87 × 217 grid points. The methods used in this study are cubic spline and bilinear interpolations. The boundary grid points are generated by spline interpolation while the interior grid points have to be specified by bilinear interpolation method. A vertical grid is sigma coordinate with 15 layers of water column.

Splitting Modified Donor-Cell Schemes for Spectral Action Balance Equation

The spectral action balance equation is an equation that used to simulate short-crested wind-generated waves in shallow water areas such as coastal regions and inland waters. This equation consists of two spatial dimensions, wave direction, and wave frequency which can be solved by finite difference method. When this equation with dominating propagation velocity terms are discretized using central differences, stability problems occur when the grid spacing is chosen too coarse. In this paper, we introduce the splitting modified donorcell scheme for avoiding stability problems and prove that it is consistent to the modified donor-cell scheme with same accuracy. The splitting modified donor-cell scheme was adopted to split the wave spectral action balance equation into four one-dimensional problems, which for each small problem obtains the independently tridiagonal linear systems. For each smaller system can be solved by direct or iterative methods at the same time which is very fast when performed by a multi-cores computer.