Ontology-based Query System for UNITEN Postgraduate Students

This paper proposes a new model to support user queries on postgraduate research information at Universiti Tenaga Nasional. The ontology to be developed will contribute towards shareable and reusable domain knowledge that makes knowledge assets intelligently accessible to both people and software. This work adapts a methodology for ontology development based on the framework proposed by Uschold and King. The concepts and relations in this domain are represented in a class diagram using the Protégé software. The ontology will be used to support a menudriven query system for assisting students in searching for information related to postgraduate research at the university.

GPT Onto: A New Beginning for Malaysia Gross Pollutant Trap Ontology

Ontology is widely being used as a tool for organizing information, creating the relation between the subjects within the defined knowledge domain area. Various fields such as Civil, Biology, and Management have successful integrated ontology in decision support systems for managing domain knowledge and to assist their decision makers. Gross pollutant traps (GPT) are devices used in trapping and preventing large items or hazardous particles in polluting and entering our waterways. However choosing and determining GPT is a challenge in Malaysia as there are inadequate GPT data repositories being captured and shared. Hence ontology is needed to capture, organize and represent this knowledge into meaningful information which can be contributed to the efficiency of GPT selection in Malaysia urbanization. A GPT Ontology framework is therefore built as the first step to capture GPT knowledge which will then be integrated into the decision support system. This paper will provide several examples of the GPT ontology, and explain how it is constructed by using the Protégé tool.