An Approach to Polynomial Curve Comparison in Geometric Object Database

In image processing and visualization, comparing two bitmapped images needs to be compared from their pixels by matching pixel-by-pixel. Consequently, it takes a lot of computational time while the comparison of two vector-based images is significantly faster. Sometimes these raster graphics images can be approximately converted into the vector-based images by various techniques. After conversion, the problem of comparing two raster graphics images can be reduced to the problem of comparing vector graphics images. Hence, the problem of comparing pixel-by-pixel can be reduced to the problem of polynomial comparisons. In computer aided geometric design (CAGD), the vector graphics images are the composition of curves and surfaces. Curves are defined by a sequence of control points and their polynomials. In this paper, the control points will be considerably used to compare curves. The same curves after relocated or rotated are treated to be equivalent while two curves after different scaled are considered to be similar curves. This paper proposed an algorithm for comparing the polynomial curves by using the control points for equivalence and similarity. In addition, the geometric object-oriented database used to keep the curve information has also been defined in XML format for further used in curve comparisons.

Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault using Multiple Polynomials

Fuzzy fingerprint vault is a recently developed cryptographic construct based on the polynomial reconstruction problem to secure critical data with the fingerprint data. However, the previous researches are not applicable to the fingerprint having a few minutiae since they use a fixed degree of the polynomial without considering the number of fingerprint minutiae. To solve this problem, we use an adaptive degree of the polynomial considering the number of minutiae extracted from each user. Also, we apply multiple polynomials to avoid the possible degradation of the security of a simple solution(i.e., using a low-degree polynomial). Based on the experimental results, our method can make the possible attack difficult 2192 times more than using a low-degree polynomial as well as verify the users having a few minutiae.

GridNtru: High Performance PKCS

Cryptographic algorithms play a crucial role in the information society by providing protection from unauthorized access to sensitive data. It is clear that information technology will become increasingly pervasive, Hence we can expect the emergence of ubiquitous or pervasive computing, ambient intelligence. These new environments and applications will present new security challenges, and there is no doubt that cryptographic algorithms and protocols will form a part of the solution. The efficiency of a public key cryptosystem is mainly measured in computational overheads, key size and bandwidth. In particular the RSA algorithm is used in many applications for providing the security. Although the security of RSA is beyond doubt, the evolution in computing power has caused a growth in the necessary key length. The fact that most chips on smart cards can-t process key extending 1024 bit shows that there is need for alternative. NTRU is such an alternative and it is a collection of mathematical algorithm based on manipulating lists of very small integers and polynomials. This allows NTRU to high speeds with the use of minimal computing power. NTRU (Nth degree Truncated Polynomial Ring Unit) is the first secure public key cryptosystem not based on factorization or discrete logarithm problem. This means that given sufficient computational resources and time, an adversary, should not be able to break the key. The multi-party communication and requirement of optimal resource utilization necessitated the need for the present day demand of applications that need security enforcement technique .and can be enhanced with high-end computing. This has promoted us to develop high-performance NTRU schemes using approaches such as the use of high-end computing hardware. Peer-to-peer (P2P) or enterprise grids are proven as one of the approaches for developing high-end computing systems. By utilizing them one can improve the performance of NTRU through parallel execution. In this paper we propose and develop an application for NTRU using enterprise grid middleware called Alchemi. An analysis and comparison of its performance for various text files is presented.

Orthogonal Polynomial Density Estimates: Alternative Representation and Degree Selection

The density estimates considered in this paper comprise a base density and an adjustment component consisting of a linear combination of orthogonal polynomials. It is shown that, in the context of density approximation, the coefficients of the linear combination can be determined either from a moment-matching technique or a weighted least-squares approach. A kernel representation of the corresponding density estimates is obtained. Additionally, two refinements of the Kronmal-Tarter stopping criterion are proposed for determining the degree of the polynomial adjustment. By way of illustration, the density estimation methodology advocated herein is applied to two data sets.