Precipitation Hardening Behavior of Directly Cold Rolled Al-6Mg Alloy Containing Ternary Sc and Quaternary Zi/Ti
Ageing of 75% cold rolled Al-6Mg alloy with ternary 0.4 wt% scandium and quaternary zirconium and titanium has been carried out. Alloy samples are naturally, isochronally and isothermally aged for different time and temperatures. Hardness values of the differently processed alloys have been measured to understand the ageing behavior of Al-6Mg alloy with scandium and quaternary zirconium and titanium addition. Resistivity changes with annealing time and temperature were measured to understand the precipitation behavior and recovery of strain of the alloy. Attempts were also made to understand the grain refining effect of scandium in Al-6Mg alloy. It is observed that significant hardening takes place in the aged alloys due to the precipitation of scandium aluminides and the dendrites of the Al-6Mg alloy have been refined significantly due to addition of scandium.
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[8] M. E. Drits, S. G. Pavlenko and L. S. Toropova, "Mechanism of the Influence of Scandium in Increasing the Strength and Thermal Stability of Alloys in the Al-Mg System”, Sov. Phys. Dokl. 1981, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 344-346.
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[11] M. E. Drits, L. S. Toropova, G. K. Anastas’eva and G. L. Nagornichnykh, "The Effects of Homogenizing Heating on the Properties of Alloys in the Al-Sc and Al-Mg-Sc Systems”, Russ. Metall. 1984, No. 3, pp. 192-195.
[12] M. S. Kaiser, S. Datta, A. Roychowdhury and Banerjee M. K., "Effect of scandium on the microstructure and ageing behaviour of cast Al-6Mg alloy” Materials Characterization, 2008, Vol. 59, pp. 1661-1666.
[1] I. J. Polmear: Light Alloys, Metallurgy of the Light Metals, Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd 41 Bedford Square, London WCIB 3DQ 1981.
[2] R. R. Sawtell and C. L. Jensen, "Mechanical properties and microstructures of Al-Mg-Sc alloys”, Metallurgical Transactions A, 1990, Vol. 21A, pp. 421-430.
[3] L. S. Toropova, D. G. Eskin, M. L. Kharakterova and T.V. Dobatkina, "Advanced Aluminum Alloys Containing Scandium, Structure and Properties”, Baikov Institute of Metallurgy, Moscow, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Russia,1998.
[4] M. S. Kaiser, M. R . Basher and A. S. W. Kurny, "Effect of Scandium on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2012, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 1504-1508.
[5] R. W. Hyland Jr., "Homogeneous Nucleation Kinetics of Al3Sc in a Dilute Al-Sc Alloy”, Metall. Trans. A, 1992, Vol. 23A, pp. 1947-1955.
[6] J. Royset and N. Ryum,"Scandium in aluminium alloys,” International Materials Reviews, 2005, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 19-44.
[7] J. D. Robson, "Modelling dispersoid precipitation in scandium containing aluminium alloys”, Materials science forum, 2007, Vol. 539-43, No. 1, pp. 386-391.
[8] M. E. Drits, S. G. Pavlenko and L. S. Toropova, "Mechanism of the Influence of Scandium in Increasing the Strength and Thermal Stability of Alloys in the Al-Mg System”, Sov. Phys. Dokl. 1981, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 344-346.
[9] S. Lee, A. Utsunomiya, H. Akamatsu, K. Neishi, M. Furukawa, Z. Horita and T. G. Langdon, "Influence of Scandium and Zirconium on Grain Stability and Superplastic Ductilities in Ultrafine-Grained Al-Mg Alloys”, Acta Mater., 2002, Vol. 50, pp. 553-564.
[10] I. J. Polmear, "Role of Trace Elements in Aged Aluminium Alloys”, Materials Science Forum, 1987, Vol. 13/14, pp. 195-214.
[11] M. E. Drits, L. S. Toropova, G. K. Anastas’eva and G. L. Nagornichnykh, "The Effects of Homogenizing Heating on the Properties of Alloys in the Al-Sc and Al-Mg-Sc Systems”, Russ. Metall. 1984, No. 3, pp. 192-195.
[12] M. S. Kaiser, S. Datta, A. Roychowdhury and Banerjee M. K., "Effect of scandium on the microstructure and ageing behaviour of cast Al-6Mg alloy” Materials Characterization, 2008, Vol. 59, pp. 1661-1666.
@article{"International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Sciences:66135", author = "M. S. Kaiser", title = "Precipitation Hardening Behavior of Directly Cold Rolled Al-6Mg Alloy Containing Ternary Sc and Quaternary Zi/Ti", abstract = "Ageing of 75% cold rolled Al-6Mg alloy with ternary 0.4 wt% scandium and quaternary zirconium and titanium has been carried out. Alloy samples are naturally, isochronally and isothermally aged for different time and temperatures. Hardness values of the differently processed alloys have been measured to understand the ageing behavior of Al-6Mg alloy with scandium and quaternary zirconium and titanium addition. Resistivity changes with annealing time and temperature were measured to understand the precipitation behavior and recovery of strain of the alloy. Attempts were also made to understand the grain refining effect of scandium in Al-6Mg alloy. It is observed that significant hardening takes place in the aged alloys due to the precipitation of scandium aluminides and the dendrites of the Al-6Mg alloy have been refined significantly due to addition of scandium.
", keywords = "Al-Mg alloys, age hardening, resistivity, metastable phase.", volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "724-7", }