Fatigue Life Prediction on Steel Beam Bridges under Variable Amplitude Loading
Steel bridges are normally subjected to random loads with different traffic frequencies. They are structures with dynamic behavior and are subject to fatigue failure process, where the nucleation of a crack, growth and failure can occur. After locating and determining the size of an existing fault, it is important to predict the crack propagation and the convenient time for repair. Therefore, fracture mechanics and fatigue concepts are essential to the right approach to the problem. To study the fatigue crack growth, a computational code was developed by using the root mean square (RMS) and the cycle-by-cycle models. One observes the variable amplitude loading influence on the life structural prediction. Different loads histories and initial crack length were considered as input variables. Thus, it was evaluated the dispersion of results of the expected structural life choosing different initial parameters.
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[3] J.M. Barson, S.T. Rolfe, Fracture and fatigue control in structures: applications of fracture mechanics. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, ASTM, .1999.
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[5] E. P. Deus, “Análise do Processo de Fraturamento em Vigas de Pontes de Aço sob Efeito de Fadiga”, Tese de Doutorado, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brasil, 1997.
[6] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, “AASHTO HB - Standard specifications for highway bridges”, 14rd ed. Washington, 2002.
[7] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, ABNT NBR 7188, Road and pedestrian live load on bridges, viaducts, footbridges and other structures, 2013.
[8] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, ABNT NBR 7187, Design of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges - Procedure, 2003.
[9] J.C. Newman, E. P. Phillips, “Prediction of Crack Growth Under Variable-Amplitude and Spectrum Loading in a Titanium Alloy”, Journal of ASTM International, Id. JAI19027, 2004.
[10] H. Fouad, “Fatigue Design of Sign Support Structures due to Truck-Induced Wind Gust”, Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 17p, 2010.
[11] M. F. V. Montezuma, “Modelagem Computacional da Propagação de Trincas em Vigas de Pontes de Aço sob Carregamento Cíclico de Amplitude Variável”, Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brasil, 2002.
[1] Y. Ding, D. Wu, J. Su, Z. X. Li, L. Zong, K. Feng, Experimental and numerical investigations on seismic performance of RC bridge piers considering buckling and low-cycle fatigue of high-strength steel bars. Engineering Structures, 227, 111464, 2021.
[2] W. Y. Wang, P. Li, D. Lin, B. Tang, J. Wang, Q. Guan, W. Liu, DID Code: A Bridge Connecting the Materials Genome Engineering Database with Inheriflange Integrated Intelligent Manufacturing. Engineering, 6(6), 612-620, 2020.
[3] J.M. Barson, S.T. Rolfe, Fracture and fatigue control in structures: applications of fracture mechanics. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, ASTM, .1999.
[4] J. B. Chang, C. M. Hudson, Methods and models for predicting fatigue crack growth under random loading, M. editors. ASTM STP 748, 1981.
[5] E. P. Deus, “Análise do Processo de Fraturamento em Vigas de Pontes de Aço sob Efeito de Fadiga”, Tese de Doutorado, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brasil, 1997.
[6] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, “AASHTO HB - Standard specifications for highway bridges”, 14rd ed. Washington, 2002.
[7] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, ABNT NBR 7188, Road and pedestrian live load on bridges, viaducts, footbridges and other structures, 2013.
[8] Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, ABNT NBR 7187, Design of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges - Procedure, 2003.
[9] J.C. Newman, E. P. Phillips, “Prediction of Crack Growth Under Variable-Amplitude and Spectrum Loading in a Titanium Alloy”, Journal of ASTM International, Id. JAI19027, 2004.
[10] H. Fouad, “Fatigue Design of Sign Support Structures due to Truck-Induced Wind Gust”, Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 17p, 2010.
[11] M. F. V. Montezuma, “Modelagem Computacional da Propagação de Trincas em Vigas de Pontes de Aço sob Carregamento Cíclico de Amplitude Variável”, Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brasil, 2002.
@article{"International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Sciences:80468", author = "M. F. V. Montezuma and E. P. Deus and M. C. Carvalho", title = "Fatigue Life Prediction on Steel Beam Bridges under Variable Amplitude Loading", abstract = "Steel bridges are normally subjected to random loads with different traffic frequencies. They are structures with dynamic behavior and are subject to fatigue failure process, where the nucleation of a crack, growth and failure can occur. After locating and determining the size of an existing fault, it is important to predict the crack propagation and the convenient time for repair. Therefore, fracture mechanics and fatigue concepts are essential to the right approach to the problem. To study the fatigue crack growth, a computational code was developed by using the root mean square (RMS) and the cycle-by-cycle models. One observes the variable amplitude loading influence on the life structural prediction. Different loads histories and initial crack length were considered as input variables. Thus, it was evaluated the dispersion of results of the expected structural life choosing different initial parameters.", keywords = "Fatigue crack propagation, life prediction, variable loadings, steel bridges.", volume = "15", number = "8", pages = "231-6", }