The Implementation of Remote Automation Execution Agent over ACL on QOS POLICY Based System

This paper will present the implementation of QoS policy based system by utilizing rules on Access Control List (ACL) over Layer 3 (L3) switch. Also presented is the architecture on that implementation; the tools being used and the result were gathered. The system architecture has an ability to control ACL rules which are installed inside an external L3 switch. ACL rules used to instruct the way of access control being executed, in order to entertain all traffics through that particular switch. The main advantage of using this approach is that the single point of failure could be prevented when there are any changes on ACL rules inside L3 switches. Another advantage is that the agent could instruct ACL rules automatically straight away based on the changes occur on policy database without configuring them one by one. Other than that, when QoS policy based system was implemented in distributed environment, the monitoring process can be synchronized easily due to the automate process running by agent over external policy devices.


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