Security over OFDM Fading Channels with Friendly Jammer

In this paper, we investigate the effect of friendly
jamming power allocation strategies on the achievable average
secrecy rate over a bank of parallel fading wiretap channels.
We investigate the achievable average secrecy rate in parallel
fading wiretap channels subject to Rayleigh and Rician fading.
The achievable average secrecy rate, due to the presence of a
line-of-sight component in the jammer channel is also evaluated.
Moreover, we study the detrimental effect of correlation across the
parallel sub-channels, and evaluate the corresponding decrease in the
achievable average secrecy rate for the various fading configurations.
We also investigate the tradeoff between the transmission power
and the jamming power for a fixed total power budget. Our
results, which are applicable to current orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM) communications systems, shed further light on
the achievable average secrecy rates over a bank of parallel fading
channels in the presence of friendly jammers.


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