Numerical Analysis of Concrete Crash Barriers

Reinforced concrete crash barriers used in road traffic must meet a number of criteria. Crash barriers are laid lengthwise, one behind another, and joined using specially designed steel locks. While developing BSV reinforced concrete crash barriers (type ŽPSV), experiments and calculations aimed to optimize the shape of a newly designed lock and the reinforcement quantity and distribution in a crash barrier were carried out. The tension carrying capacity of two parallelly joined locks was solved experimentally. Based on the performed experiments, adjustments of nonlinear properties of steel were performed in the calculations. The obtained results served as a basis to optimize the lock design using a computational model that takes into account the plastic behaviour of steel and the influence of the surrounding concrete [6]. The response to the vehicle impact has been analyzed using a specially elaborated complex computational model, comprising both the nonlinear model of the damping wall or crash barrier and the detailed model of the vehicle [7].

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