GPU-Accelerated Triangle Mesh Simplification Using Parallel Vertex Removal

We present an approach to triangle mesh simplification
designed to be executed on the GPU. We use a quadric error metric
to calculate an error value for each vertex of the mesh and order all
vertices based on this value. This step is followed by the parallel
removal of a number of vertices with the lowest calculated error
values. To allow for the parallel removal of multiple vertices we use
a set of per-vertex boundaries that prevent mesh foldovers even when
simplification operations are performed on neighbouring vertices. We
execute multiple iterations of the calculation of the vertex errors,
ordering of the error values and removal of vertices until either a
desired number of vertices remains in the mesh or a minimum error
value is reached. This parallel approach is used to speed up the
simplification process while maintaining mesh topology and avoiding
foldovers at every step of the simplification.

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