Evaluating the Use of Digital Art Tools for Drawing to Enhance Artistic Ability and Improve Digital Skill among Junior School Students

This study investigated some results of the use of
digital art tools by junior school children in order to discover if these
tools could promote artistic ability and creativity. The study considers
the ease of use and usefulness of the tools as well as how to assess
artwork produced by digital means. As the use of these tools is a
relatively new development in Art education, this study may help
educators in their choice of which tools to use and when to use them.
The study also aims to present a model for the assessment of
students’ artistic development and creativity by studying their artistic
activity. This model can help in determining differences in students’
creative ability and could be useful both for teachers, as a means of
assessing digital artwork, and for students, by providing the
motivation to use the tools to their fullest extent. Sixteen students
aged nine to ten years old were observed and recorded while they
used the digital drawing tools. The study found that, according to the
students’ own statements, it was not the ease of use but the successful
effects the tools provided which motivated the children to use them.

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