Entrepreneurship and the Discovery and Exploitation of Business Opportunities: Empirical Evidence from the Malawian Tourism Sector
This paper identifies a research gap in the literature on tourism entrepreneurship in Malawi, Africa, and investigates how entrepreneurs from the Malawian tourism sector discover and exploit business opportunities. In particular, the importance of prior experience and business networks in the opportunity development process is debated. Another area of empirical research examined here is the opportunity recognition-venture creation sequence. While Malawi presents fruitful business opportunities, exploiting these opportunities into fully realized business ideas is a real challenge due to the country’s difficult business environment and poor promotional and marketing efforts. The study concludes by calling for further research in Sub-Saharan Africa in order to develop our understanding of entrepreneurship in this (African) context.
[1] E. Washington, (2011, July), Can Africa Be Saved? WND Commentary (online). Available: http://www.wnd.com/2011/07/324949/
[2] L.R Berman. and S. Balde, Business Opportunities and Challenges in Africa, Euromonitor International, 2013.
[3] V. Mahajan, Africa Rising, Pearson Education: New Jersey, 2009.
[4] N. Okonjo-Iweala, (2007, May) Want to help Africa? Do business here, TED Talk, (online), Available: http://www.ted.com/talks/ngozi_okonjo_ iweala_on_doing_business_in_africa
[5] P. Dieke, Tourism in Africa’s economic development: policy implications, Management Decision, 41 (3), pp. 287-295, April 2003.
[6] I. Christie, and D. Crompton, Tourism in Africa, Africa Region Working Chapter Series 12, The World Bank, February 2001.
[7] P. Westhead, and M. Wright, Novice, Portfolio, And Serial Founders: Are They Different? Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 13 (3), pp. 173–204, May 1998.
[8] S. Shane, A general theory of entrepreneurship: the individual-opportunity nexus, Edwar Elgar Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham, 2003.
[9] N. Leiper, Why ‘the tourism industry’ is misleading as a generic expression: The case for the plural variation, ‘tourism industries’, Tourism Management, Vol. 29 (2) pp. 237-251, April 2008.
[10] L.Davies, (2013, November), What Is A Safari In Africa?, African Budget Safaris, (online). Available: http://www.africanbudgetsafaris.com/blog/what-is-a-safari/
[11] G. Buenstorf, Perception and pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities: an evolutionary economics perspective, Small Business Economics, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 323-337, January 2006.
[12] Kirzner, Entrepreneurial Discovery and the Competitive Market Process: An Austrian Approach, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 35 (1), pp. 60-85, March 1997.
[13] S. Shane and S. Venkataraman, The Promise of Entrepreneurship As A Field of Research, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 25 (1), pp. 217-226, January 2000.
[14] S. Venkataraman, The Distinctive Domain of Entrepreneurship Research: An editor's perspective. In J. Katz & R. Brockhaus (Eds.), Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence, and growth, Vol. 3, pp. 119-138, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press: January 1997.
[15] H.T. Keh, M.D. Foo, and B.C. Lim, Opportunity Evaluation under Risky Conditions: The Cognitive Processes of Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 27 (2), pp. 125-148, November 2002.
[16] S. Shane, Prior Knowledge and the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Organisation Science, Vol. 11 (4), pp. 448-469, July-August 2000.
[17] J.T. Eckhardt and S.A. Shane, Opportunities and Entrepreneurship, Journal of Management, Vol. 29 (3), pp. 333-349, June 2003.
[18] C.M. Gaglio and J.A. Katz, The Psychological Basis of Opportunity Identification: Entrepreneurial Alertness, Small Business Economics, Vol. 16, (2), pp. 95-111, March 2001.
[19] P. Davidsson, The Entrepreneurship Research Challenge, Elgar Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham, 2008.
[20] G.A. Alsos, and V. Kaikonnen, (2004), Opportunity Recognition and Prior Knowledge: A Study of Experienced Entrepreneurs, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, (online), Available: http://fusionmx.babson.edu/entrep/fer/fer_2004/web-content/Section%20XIII/P1/XIII-P1.html
[21] A. Ardichvilli, R. Cardozo and S. Ray, A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 105-123, January 2003
[22] G. Hills and R. Shrader, (1998) Successful Entrepreneurs’ Insights into Opportunity Recognition, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, (online), https://fusionmx.babson.edu/entrep/fer/papers98/I/I_A/I_A.html
[23] D. Dutta and M. Crossan, The Nature of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Understanding the Process Using the 4I Organizational Learning Framework, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 29 (4), pp. 425-449, July 2005.
[24] I. Kirzner, Competition & Entrepreneurship, University of Chicago Press: London, 1973.
[25] S. Alvarez and L. Busenitz, The entrepreneurship of resource-based theory, Journal of Management, Vol. 27 (6), pp. 755-775, December 2001.
[26] S. Kaish and B. Gilad, Characteristics of Opportunities Search of Entrepreneurs Versus Executives: Sources, Interests, General Alertness, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 6 (1), pp. 45-61, January 1991.
[27] E. Szivas, Entrance into tourism entrepreneurship: A UK Case Study, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 163-172, September 2001.
[28] A.M. Williams, G Shaw, J Greenwood, From tourist to tourist entrepreneur, from consumption to production: evidence from Cornwall, England, Vol. 21 (12), pp. 1639-1653, December 1989.
[29] P. Mueller, Exploiting Entrepreneurial Opportunities: The Impact of Entrepreneurship on Growth, Small Business Economics, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 355-362, March 2007.
[30] J.C. Carr. and J.M. Sequira, Prior family business exposure as intergenerational influence and entrepreneurial intent: A Theory of Planned Behavior approach, Journal of Business Research 60, pp. 1090-1098, January 2007.
[31] M. Hollick and P. Braun, Lifestyle Entrepreneurship: The unusual nature of the tourism entrepreneur, Centre for Regional Innovation & Competitiveness, 2009.
[32] M. Lerner, and S. Haber, Performance Factors of Small Tourism Ventures: The Interface of Tourism, Entrepreneurship and the Environment, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 77-100, January 2001.
[33] Y.R. Choi, and D. Shepherd, Entrepreneurs’ Decisions to Exploit Opportunities, Journal of Management, Vol. 30 (3), pp. 377-395, June 2004.
[34] M. Wood and W. McKinley, The Production of Entrepreneurial Opportunity: A Constructivist Perspective, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 66-84, March 2010.
[35] M. Bhave, A Process Model of Entrepreneurial Venture Creation, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 223-242, May 1994.
[36] J.A. Timmons, and S. Spinelli, New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, (8th ed), McGraw Hill: Boston, 2009.
[37] D.P. Forbes, P.S. Borchert., M.E. Zellmer-Bruhn and H.J. Sapienza, Entrepreneurial Team Formation: An Exploration of New Member Addition, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol. 30 (2), pp. 225-248, March 2006.
[38] P. Klien, Opportunity Discovery, Entrepreneurial Action and Economic Organisation, Vol. 2 (3), Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, pp. 175-190, October 2008.
[39] M.M. Leary, and M.L. DeVaughn, Entrepreneurial team characteristics that influence the successful launch of a new venture, Management Research News, Vol. 32 (6), pp. 567-579, 2009.
[40] A. Greve, and J. Salaff, Social Networks and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol. 28 (1), pp. 1-22, September 2003.
[41] A.A. Chea, Entrepreneurial Venture Creation: The Application of Pattern Identification Theory to the Entrepreneurial Opportunity-Identification Process, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol 3 (2), pp. 37-53, February 2008.
[42] J.D.D. Havenga, An overview of African entrepreneurship and small business research, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Winter 2005.
[43] E. Nyakunu, and C.M. Rogerson, Tourism Policy Analysis: the case of post-independence Namibia, African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol 3 (1), 2014.
[44] J. Briedenhann, The Potential of Small Tourism Operators in the Promotion of Pro-Poor Tourism, Published in Dwyer and Wickens, Event Tourism and Cultural Tourism, Routledge, 2013.
[45] F. Johnston and S. Ferrar, Malawi: The Warm Heart of Africa, Struik Publishers: South Africa, 2006.
[46] S. Jaffee, Malawi’ s Tobacco Sector: Standing on One Strong Leg is Better Than on None, Africa Region Working Paper Series No. 55, June 2003.
[47] R. Randall, (2013 May), Malawi: Economic Reforms and Economic Recovery, IMF Resident Representative, (online), Available: https://www.imf.org/external/country/mwi/rr/2013/020513.pdf
[48] The World Bank, Malawi Travel & Tourism: Realizing the Potential, Report No 62353-MW, December 2010.
[49] Government of Malawi, (2014, April), Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II 2011-2016, (online), Available: http://www.mw.one.un.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Malawi-Growth-and-Dedvelopment-Strategy-MGDS-II.pdf
[50] Park, M, (2014, January), 5 reasons Malawi is Africa’s next go-to destination, CNN, (online), Available: http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/06/travel/five-things-malawi/
[51] National Statistical Office, Malawi Tourism Stats, E-mail sent 3rd October 2014.
[52] Lonely Planet, (2013, October), Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2014-top 10 Countries, (online), Available: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/travel-tips-and-articles/lonely-planets-best-in-travel-2014-top-10-countries
[53] B. Collins (2011, June), 12 Most Beautiful Lakes in the World, Yahoo! Travel, (online), Available: https://travel.yahoo.com/ideas/12-most-beautiful-lakes-world-045945681.html
[54] Malawi Tourism (2014a, January), The Madzi Alipo Project (Water is Coming), (online), Available: http://www.malawitourism.com/pages/news/index.asp?NewsID=415
[55] The Responsible Safari Company, (2013), Lake Malawi, Available at: http://www.responsiblesafaricompany.com/index.php/home/community-projects/lake-malawi/at-a-glance/
[56] R. Etter-Phoya, (2015, November), One Year Since Malawi’s Government Started Reviewing Oil Exploration Licences And Agreements, Mining In Malawi, (online), Available: http://mininginmalawi.com/2015/11/18/one-year-has-passed-since-malawis-government-started-reviewing-oil-exploration-licences-and-agreements/
[57] J. Meredith, Building operations management theory through case and field research, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 16 (4), pp. 441-454, July 1998.
[58] K. White (2010, March), E-mail over request to access contacts in Malawian tourism sector, Hotmail, 17:21 GMT.
[59] K.M. Eisenhardt, Building Theories from Case Study Research, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 14 (4), pp. 532-550, October 1989.
[60] M. Saunders, A. Thornhill, P. Lewis, Research Methods for Business Students, (2nd Ed), Pearson Education Limited: Harlow, 2000.
[61] M. Oppermann, Triangulation-A Methodological Discussion, International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 141-146, March/April 2000.
[62] Entrepreneur A, (2010, June), Interview with Managing Director, 10:00 am, Land and Lake Safaris Office.
[63] Entrepreneur I, (2014, February), Interview with Owner, 11:00 am, Residence of the owner.
[64] Entrepreneur C, (2010, June), Interview with Managing Director, 11:00 am, Ulendo Safaris Office.
[65] Entrepreneur F, (2010, June), Interview with Owner, 11:00 am, Private hangar at Namitete.
[66] Sute Lake Safaris (2013), M.V. Mwande. Our Dream. (online), http://stephencilliers.wix.com/sute-lake-safaris#!our-crew/c1nhz .
[67] Entrepreneur D, (2010, June), Interview with Managing Directors, 4:00 pm, Residence of the directors.
[68] Entrepreneur G, (2010, July), Interview with Managing Director, 9:00 am, Jambo Africa Office.
[69] Malawian Tourism (2014b, January), New Boat on Malawi, (online), Available: http://www.malawitourism.com/pages/news/index.asp?NewsID=414
[70] Entrepreneur B, (2010, June), Interview with Owner, 10:30 am, Lilongwe Hotel.
[71] Entrepreneur J, (2014, February), Interview with Owners, 8:00 pm, Residence of the owners.
[72] D. Iacobucci and P. Rosa, Habitual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial team development and business group formation, Chapter presented at “RENT XVIII – Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs”, 24-26 November 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark.
[73] I.C. MacMillan, To Really Learn About Entrepreneurship, Let’s Study Habitual Entrepreneurs, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 1, pp. 241-243, 1986.
[74] C. Zietsma, Opportunity knocks—or does it hide? An examination of the role of opportunity recognition in entrepreneurship, Chapter presented at Babson College/Kaufman Foundation and Entrepreneurship: Research Conference, Columbia, SC, 1999.
[75] P. Westhead, D. Ucbasaran, and M. Wright, Differences Between Private Firms Owned by Novice, Serial and Portfolio Entrepreneurs: Implications for Policy Makers and Practitioners, Regional Studies, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 187-200, 2003.
[76] J. Wiklund and D. Shepherd, Portfolio Entrepreneurship: Habitual and Novice Founders, New Entry, and Mode of Organizing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 32 (4), pp. 701-725, July 2008.
[77] A. Malfense-Fierro and N. Kivuloto (2010), A longitudinal perspective of portfolio entrepreneurship: portfolio creation and growth in a developing economy, ICSB World Conference Proceedings Close:block:publicationBlock : 1-20. Washington: International Council for Small business (ICSB). (2011).
[78] W. Balunywa and P. Rosa, The Contribution of Portfolio Entrepreneurs to Economic Development and Growth: The Ugandan Laboratory Case, pp. 587-601, 2009, 6th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Adelaide, United Kingdom.
[1] E. Washington, (2011, July), Can Africa Be Saved? WND Commentary (online). Available: http://www.wnd.com/2011/07/324949/
[2] L.R Berman. and S. Balde, Business Opportunities and Challenges in Africa, Euromonitor International, 2013.
[3] V. Mahajan, Africa Rising, Pearson Education: New Jersey, 2009.
[4] N. Okonjo-Iweala, (2007, May) Want to help Africa? Do business here, TED Talk, (online), Available: http://www.ted.com/talks/ngozi_okonjo_ iweala_on_doing_business_in_africa
[5] P. Dieke, Tourism in Africa’s economic development: policy implications, Management Decision, 41 (3), pp. 287-295, April 2003.
[6] I. Christie, and D. Crompton, Tourism in Africa, Africa Region Working Chapter Series 12, The World Bank, February 2001.
[7] P. Westhead, and M. Wright, Novice, Portfolio, And Serial Founders: Are They Different? Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 13 (3), pp. 173–204, May 1998.
[8] S. Shane, A general theory of entrepreneurship: the individual-opportunity nexus, Edwar Elgar Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham, 2003.
[9] N. Leiper, Why ‘the tourism industry’ is misleading as a generic expression: The case for the plural variation, ‘tourism industries’, Tourism Management, Vol. 29 (2) pp. 237-251, April 2008.
[10] L.Davies, (2013, November), What Is A Safari In Africa?, African Budget Safaris, (online). Available: http://www.africanbudgetsafaris.com/blog/what-is-a-safari/
[11] G. Buenstorf, Perception and pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities: an evolutionary economics perspective, Small Business Economics, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 323-337, January 2006.
[12] Kirzner, Entrepreneurial Discovery and the Competitive Market Process: An Austrian Approach, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 35 (1), pp. 60-85, March 1997.
[13] S. Shane and S. Venkataraman, The Promise of Entrepreneurship As A Field of Research, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 25 (1), pp. 217-226, January 2000.
[14] S. Venkataraman, The Distinctive Domain of Entrepreneurship Research: An editor's perspective. In J. Katz & R. Brockhaus (Eds.), Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence, and growth, Vol. 3, pp. 119-138, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press: January 1997.
[15] H.T. Keh, M.D. Foo, and B.C. Lim, Opportunity Evaluation under Risky Conditions: The Cognitive Processes of Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 27 (2), pp. 125-148, November 2002.
[16] S. Shane, Prior Knowledge and the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Organisation Science, Vol. 11 (4), pp. 448-469, July-August 2000.
[17] J.T. Eckhardt and S.A. Shane, Opportunities and Entrepreneurship, Journal of Management, Vol. 29 (3), pp. 333-349, June 2003.
[18] C.M. Gaglio and J.A. Katz, The Psychological Basis of Opportunity Identification: Entrepreneurial Alertness, Small Business Economics, Vol. 16, (2), pp. 95-111, March 2001.
[19] P. Davidsson, The Entrepreneurship Research Challenge, Elgar Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham, 2008.
[20] G.A. Alsos, and V. Kaikonnen, (2004), Opportunity Recognition and Prior Knowledge: A Study of Experienced Entrepreneurs, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, (online), Available: http://fusionmx.babson.edu/entrep/fer/fer_2004/web-content/Section%20XIII/P1/XIII-P1.html
[21] A. Ardichvilli, R. Cardozo and S. Ray, A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 105-123, January 2003
[22] G. Hills and R. Shrader, (1998) Successful Entrepreneurs’ Insights into Opportunity Recognition, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, (online), https://fusionmx.babson.edu/entrep/fer/papers98/I/I_A/I_A.html
[23] D. Dutta and M. Crossan, The Nature of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Understanding the Process Using the 4I Organizational Learning Framework, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 29 (4), pp. 425-449, July 2005.
[24] I. Kirzner, Competition & Entrepreneurship, University of Chicago Press: London, 1973.
[25] S. Alvarez and L. Busenitz, The entrepreneurship of resource-based theory, Journal of Management, Vol. 27 (6), pp. 755-775, December 2001.
[26] S. Kaish and B. Gilad, Characteristics of Opportunities Search of Entrepreneurs Versus Executives: Sources, Interests, General Alertness, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 6 (1), pp. 45-61, January 1991.
[27] E. Szivas, Entrance into tourism entrepreneurship: A UK Case Study, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 163-172, September 2001.
[28] A.M. Williams, G Shaw, J Greenwood, From tourist to tourist entrepreneur, from consumption to production: evidence from Cornwall, England, Vol. 21 (12), pp. 1639-1653, December 1989.
[29] P. Mueller, Exploiting Entrepreneurial Opportunities: The Impact of Entrepreneurship on Growth, Small Business Economics, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 355-362, March 2007.
[30] J.C. Carr. and J.M. Sequira, Prior family business exposure as intergenerational influence and entrepreneurial intent: A Theory of Planned Behavior approach, Journal of Business Research 60, pp. 1090-1098, January 2007.
[31] M. Hollick and P. Braun, Lifestyle Entrepreneurship: The unusual nature of the tourism entrepreneur, Centre for Regional Innovation & Competitiveness, 2009.
[32] M. Lerner, and S. Haber, Performance Factors of Small Tourism Ventures: The Interface of Tourism, Entrepreneurship and the Environment, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 77-100, January 2001.
[33] Y.R. Choi, and D. Shepherd, Entrepreneurs’ Decisions to Exploit Opportunities, Journal of Management, Vol. 30 (3), pp. 377-395, June 2004.
[34] M. Wood and W. McKinley, The Production of Entrepreneurial Opportunity: A Constructivist Perspective, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 66-84, March 2010.
[35] M. Bhave, A Process Model of Entrepreneurial Venture Creation, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 223-242, May 1994.
[36] J.A. Timmons, and S. Spinelli, New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, (8th ed), McGraw Hill: Boston, 2009.
[37] D.P. Forbes, P.S. Borchert., M.E. Zellmer-Bruhn and H.J. Sapienza, Entrepreneurial Team Formation: An Exploration of New Member Addition, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol. 30 (2), pp. 225-248, March 2006.
[38] P. Klien, Opportunity Discovery, Entrepreneurial Action and Economic Organisation, Vol. 2 (3), Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, pp. 175-190, October 2008.
[39] M.M. Leary, and M.L. DeVaughn, Entrepreneurial team characteristics that influence the successful launch of a new venture, Management Research News, Vol. 32 (6), pp. 567-579, 2009.
[40] A. Greve, and J. Salaff, Social Networks and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol. 28 (1), pp. 1-22, September 2003.
[41] A.A. Chea, Entrepreneurial Venture Creation: The Application of Pattern Identification Theory to the Entrepreneurial Opportunity-Identification Process, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol 3 (2), pp. 37-53, February 2008.
[42] J.D.D. Havenga, An overview of African entrepreneurship and small business research, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Winter 2005.
[43] E. Nyakunu, and C.M. Rogerson, Tourism Policy Analysis: the case of post-independence Namibia, African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol 3 (1), 2014.
[44] J. Briedenhann, The Potential of Small Tourism Operators in the Promotion of Pro-Poor Tourism, Published in Dwyer and Wickens, Event Tourism and Cultural Tourism, Routledge, 2013.
[45] F. Johnston and S. Ferrar, Malawi: The Warm Heart of Africa, Struik Publishers: South Africa, 2006.
[46] S. Jaffee, Malawi’ s Tobacco Sector: Standing on One Strong Leg is Better Than on None, Africa Region Working Paper Series No. 55, June 2003.
[47] R. Randall, (2013 May), Malawi: Economic Reforms and Economic Recovery, IMF Resident Representative, (online), Available: https://www.imf.org/external/country/mwi/rr/2013/020513.pdf
[48] The World Bank, Malawi Travel & Tourism: Realizing the Potential, Report No 62353-MW, December 2010.
[49] Government of Malawi, (2014, April), Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II 2011-2016, (online), Available: http://www.mw.one.un.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Malawi-Growth-and-Dedvelopment-Strategy-MGDS-II.pdf
[50] Park, M, (2014, January), 5 reasons Malawi is Africa’s next go-to destination, CNN, (online), Available: http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/06/travel/five-things-malawi/
[51] National Statistical Office, Malawi Tourism Stats, E-mail sent 3rd October 2014.
[52] Lonely Planet, (2013, October), Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2014-top 10 Countries, (online), Available: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/travel-tips-and-articles/lonely-planets-best-in-travel-2014-top-10-countries
[53] B. Collins (2011, June), 12 Most Beautiful Lakes in the World, Yahoo! Travel, (online), Available: https://travel.yahoo.com/ideas/12-most-beautiful-lakes-world-045945681.html
[54] Malawi Tourism (2014a, January), The Madzi Alipo Project (Water is Coming), (online), Available: http://www.malawitourism.com/pages/news/index.asp?NewsID=415
[55] The Responsible Safari Company, (2013), Lake Malawi, Available at: http://www.responsiblesafaricompany.com/index.php/home/community-projects/lake-malawi/at-a-glance/
[56] R. Etter-Phoya, (2015, November), One Year Since Malawi’s Government Started Reviewing Oil Exploration Licences And Agreements, Mining In Malawi, (online), Available: http://mininginmalawi.com/2015/11/18/one-year-has-passed-since-malawis-government-started-reviewing-oil-exploration-licences-and-agreements/
[57] J. Meredith, Building operations management theory through case and field research, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 16 (4), pp. 441-454, July 1998.
[58] K. White (2010, March), E-mail over request to access contacts in Malawian tourism sector, Hotmail, 17:21 GMT.
[59] K.M. Eisenhardt, Building Theories from Case Study Research, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 14 (4), pp. 532-550, October 1989.
[60] M. Saunders, A. Thornhill, P. Lewis, Research Methods for Business Students, (2nd Ed), Pearson Education Limited: Harlow, 2000.
[61] M. Oppermann, Triangulation-A Methodological Discussion, International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 141-146, March/April 2000.
[62] Entrepreneur A, (2010, June), Interview with Managing Director, 10:00 am, Land and Lake Safaris Office.
[63] Entrepreneur I, (2014, February), Interview with Owner, 11:00 am, Residence of the owner.
[64] Entrepreneur C, (2010, June), Interview with Managing Director, 11:00 am, Ulendo Safaris Office.
[65] Entrepreneur F, (2010, June), Interview with Owner, 11:00 am, Private hangar at Namitete.
[66] Sute Lake Safaris (2013), M.V. Mwande. Our Dream. (online), http://stephencilliers.wix.com/sute-lake-safaris#!our-crew/c1nhz .
[67] Entrepreneur D, (2010, June), Interview with Managing Directors, 4:00 pm, Residence of the directors.
[68] Entrepreneur G, (2010, July), Interview with Managing Director, 9:00 am, Jambo Africa Office.
[69] Malawian Tourism (2014b, January), New Boat on Malawi, (online), Available: http://www.malawitourism.com/pages/news/index.asp?NewsID=414
[70] Entrepreneur B, (2010, June), Interview with Owner, 10:30 am, Lilongwe Hotel.
[71] Entrepreneur J, (2014, February), Interview with Owners, 8:00 pm, Residence of the owners.
[72] D. Iacobucci and P. Rosa, Habitual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial team development and business group formation, Chapter presented at “RENT XVIII – Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs”, 24-26 November 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark.
[73] I.C. MacMillan, To Really Learn About Entrepreneurship, Let’s Study Habitual Entrepreneurs, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 1, pp. 241-243, 1986.
[74] C. Zietsma, Opportunity knocks—or does it hide? An examination of the role of opportunity recognition in entrepreneurship, Chapter presented at Babson College/Kaufman Foundation and Entrepreneurship: Research Conference, Columbia, SC, 1999.
[75] P. Westhead, D. Ucbasaran, and M. Wright, Differences Between Private Firms Owned by Novice, Serial and Portfolio Entrepreneurs: Implications for Policy Makers and Practitioners, Regional Studies, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 187-200, 2003.
[76] J. Wiklund and D. Shepherd, Portfolio Entrepreneurship: Habitual and Novice Founders, New Entry, and Mode of Organizing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 32 (4), pp. 701-725, July 2008.
[77] A. Malfense-Fierro and N. Kivuloto (2010), A longitudinal perspective of portfolio entrepreneurship: portfolio creation and growth in a developing economy, ICSB World Conference Proceedings Close:block:publicationBlock : 1-20. Washington: International Council for Small business (ICSB). (2011).
[78] W. Balunywa and P. Rosa, The Contribution of Portfolio Entrepreneurs to Economic Development and Growth: The Ugandan Laboratory Case, pp. 587-601, 2009, 6th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Adelaide, United Kingdom.
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