Embodied Carbon Footprint of Existing Malaysian Green Homes

Part and parcel of building green homes (GHs) with
favorable thermal comfort (TC) is to design and build with reduced
carbon footprint (CF) from embodied energy in the building envelope
and reduced operational CF overall. Together, the environmental
impact of GHs can be reduced significantly. Nevertheless, there is
still a need to identify the base CF value for Malaysian GHs and this
can be done by assessing existing ones which can then be compared
to conventional and vernacular houses which are built differently
with different building materials. This paper underlines the research
design and introduces the case studies. For now, the operational CF
of the case studies is beyond the scope of this study. Findings from
this research could identify the best building material and
construction technique combination to build GHs depending on the
available skills, financial constraints and the condition of the
immediate environment.

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