Cost Effective Real-Time Image Processing Based Optical Mark Reader

In this modern era of automation, most of the academic
exams and competitive exams are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).
The responses of these MCQ based exams are recorded in the
Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet. Evaluation of the OMR sheet
requires separate specialized machines for scanning and marking.
The sheets used by these machines are special and costs more than a
normal sheet. Available process is non-economical and dependent on
paper thickness, scanning quality, paper orientation, special hardware
and customized software. This study tries to tackle the problem of
evaluating the OMR sheet without any special hardware and making
the whole process economical. We propose an image processing
based algorithm which can be used to read and evaluate the scanned
OMR sheets with no special hardware required. It will eliminate the
use of special OMR sheet. Responses recorded in normal sheet is
enough for evaluation. The proposed system takes care of color,
brightness, rotation, little imperfections in the OMR sheet images.

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