Behavioural-Orientation and Continuity of Informality in Ghana
The expanding informal sector in developing countries and in Ghana in particular from the 1980s has now been aggravated by the growing population and downsizing in both the public and private sectors, with displaced workers finding alternative livelihoods in the informal sector. Youth and graduate unemployment also swell the numbers and further promote the continuity of the sector. Formal workers and institutions facilitate the growth and complicate demarcations between informality within the formal and informal sectors. In spite of its growth and increasing importance, the informal economy does not feature in policy debates and has often been neglected by the Ghana government. The phenomenon has evolved with modernity into myriad unimaginable forms. Indeed, actors within the sector often clash with the interventions provided by policy makers - because neither the operatives nor the activities they perform can be clearly defined. This study uses in-depth interviews to explore the behavioural nature of the informal workers in Ghana to understand how the operatives describe and perceive the sector, and to identify the factors that influence their drive to stay within the sector. This paper concludes that the operatives clearly distinguish between the formal and informal sectors and identify the characteristics and conditions that constitute the informal sector. Other workers are trapped between formality and informality. The findings also enumerate the push and pull factors contributing to the growth of the sector.
[1] K. Adu-Amankwah, “Trade unions in the informal sector”, Labour Education, 1999, pp. 116.
[2] K. Adu-Amankwah, Organising in the Informal Sector, http. www. streetnet. org. za., 2000.
[3] African Union, Study on the informal sector in Africa, Available from: .../LSC%20EXP%204%20(VI)-Informal%20Economy%20vers..., 2008.
[4] H. Alderman, S. Canagarajah, & S. Younger, “A comparison of Ghanaian civil servants' earnings before and after retrenchment”, Journal of African Economies, Vol. 4(2), 1995, pp. 259-288.
[5] J. Atkinson, & N. Meager, Changing working patterns. How Companies Achieve Flexibility to Meet New Needs”, 1986.
[6] A. Y. Baah, Organising workers in the informal economy & creating decent employment: We need a new approach. LOFTF/West Africa Partners Regional Meeting, 2012.
[7] A. Y. Baah, Organising workers in the informal economy & creating decent employment: We need a new approach. LOFTF/West Africa Partners Regional Meeting, 2012.
[8] S. Balkin, Self-employment for low income people, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1989.
[9] P. E. Bangasser, The ILO and the informal sector: An institutional history. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Organization, 2000.
[10] A. Bryman, , & E. Bell, Business research methods, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
[11] A. Bryman, & E. Bell, Business Research Methods, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2011.
[12] M. A. Chen, “Women and informality: A global picture, the global movement”, SAIS Review, 2001, Vol. 21(1), pp. 71-82.
[13] M. A. Chen, Informality and social protection: Theories and realities. IDS Bulletin, 2008, Vol. 39(2), pp. 18-27.
[14] M. A. Chen, The informal economy: Definitions, theories and policies, WIEGO Working Paper 1, 2012.
[15] J. Corbin, & J. M. Morse, “The unstructured interactive interview: Issues of reciprocity and risks when dealing with sensitive topics” Qualitative Inquiry, (2003). Vol. 9(3), pp. 335-354.
[16] J. Cross, , & B. Johnson, “Expading dual labour market theory: Crack dealers and the informal sector” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2000, Vol. 20(1/2), pp. 96-134.
[17] P. W. Daniels, “Urban challenges: the formal and informal economies in mega-cities” Cities, 2004, Vol 21(6), pp. 501-511.
[18] R. Davies, Informal sector or subordinate mode of production? A model. Casual work and poverty in Third World cities, 1979, pp. 87-104.
[19] Y. A. Debrah, “Promoting the informal sector as a source of gainful employment in developing countries: Insights from Ghana”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2007, Vol 18(6), pp.1063-1084.
[20] P. Dicken, Global shift: The internationalization of economic activity, London: Paul Chapman Publishing, 1992.
[21] S. Djankov, I. Lieberman, J. Mukherjee, & T. Nenova, “Going informal: Benefits and costs. The Informal Economy in the EU Access Countries: Size, Scope, Trends and Challenges to the Process of EU Enlargement” Center for Study of Democracy, 2003, pp. 63-79.
[22] L. Eroke, Addressing workers’ challenges in the informal sector. Available from: (Home News, 2010.
[23] E. L. Feige, “Defining and estimating underground and informal economies: The new institutional economics approach”, World Development, 989-1002. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/0305-750X(90)90081-8., 1990, Vol.18(7).
[24] G. S. Fields, Labour market modelling and the urban informal sector: theory and evidence. Cornell University Press, 1990.
[25] G. Friedrich-Erbert-Stiftung, Informal economy. Available from:, 2014.
[26] J. H. Gallaway, & A. Bernasek, Gender and informal sector employment in Indonesia. Journal of Economic Issues, 2002, pp. 313 -321.
[27] M. J. Gannon, The management of peripheral employees, Paper presented at the Academy of Management Proceedings, 1971.
[28] J. P. Gaughan, & L. A. Ferman, “Toward an understanding of the informal economy, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1987, pp. 15-25.
[29] F. Gockel, Structural adjustment and the informal sector in Ghana. In A. Y. Baah Social dimension of structural adjustment in Ghana. Accra: Ghana TUC, 2001.
[30] GSS, 2010 Population and housing census. Retrieved from Accra, 2012.
[31] GSS, Final 2012 gross domestic product & revised 2013 gross domestic product. Retrieved from, 2014.
[32] K. Hart, Small‐scale entrepreneurs in Ghana and development planning, The Journal of Development Studies, 1970, Vol. 6(4), pp. 104-120.
[33] K. Hart, Informal income opportunities and urban employment in Ghana, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 1973, Vol. 11(1), pp. 61-89.
[34] K. Hart, African enterprise and the informal economy: An autobiographical note. Retrieved from: 1994.
[35] W. J. House, Nairobi's informal sector: dynamic entrepreneurs or surplus labor?, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1984, Vol. 32(2), pp. 277-302.
[36] R. Hussmanns, Measuring the informal economy: From employment in the informal sector to informal employment. Policy Integration Department, Bureau of Statistics, International labour Office, 2004.
[37] ILO, Employment, income and equality: A strategy for increasing productivity in Kenya. Geneva, 1972.
[38] ILO. Decent work and the informal economy, Geneva, 2002.
[39] E. K. Ishengoma, & R. Kappel, Economic growth and poverty: Does formalisation of informal enterprises matter?, 2006.
[40] ISSER, The state of the Ghanaian economy in 2002. University of Ghana, Accra: The Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, 2003.
[41] M. Jennings, “Gender issues in the informal sector: Constraints and opportunities”, Tro’caire Development Review, 1993. Pp. 49-66.
[42] D. W. Justice, G.Castillo, M. Frohlich, M. Levin, M. Mwamadzingo, N. K. T. Ghartey, & D. K. Dorkenoo, Unprotected labour: What role for unions in the informal economy? Labour Education Paper 2002/2, 2002.
[43] R. Kanbur, Conceptualising informality: regulation and enforcement. IZA, 2009.
[44] G. Kanyenze, & T. Chitiyo, Giving voice to the unprotected workers in the informal economy in Africa: the case of Zimbabwe. International Labour Organization, 2004.
[45] J. Kraus, “The struggle over structural adjustment in Ghana”, Africa Today, 1991, pp. 19-37.
[46] Y. J. Lee, , & Z. Xiao, “Children's support for elderly parents in urban and rural China: Results from a national survey”, Journal of cross-cultural gerontology, 1998, vol. 13(1), pp. 39-62.
[47] J. L. Losby, J. F. Else, M. E. Kingslow, E. L. Edgcomb, E. T.Malm, & V. Kao, Informal economy literature review. Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED) and Microenterprise Fund for Innovation, Effectiveness, Learning, and Dissemination(FIELD). Available at: %20Lit% 20Review. Pdf, 2002.
[48] E. A. Marcelli, M. Pastor Jr, & P. M. Joassart, “Estimating the effects of informal economic activity: Evidence from Los Angeles County”, Journal of Economic Issues, 1999, pp. 579-607.
[49] D. C. Mead, MSEs tackle both poverty and growth (but in differing proportions). Enterprise in Africa - Between Poverty and Growth, 1999, Vol. 1(19), pp. 61-70.
[50] K. Meagher, “Crisis, informalization and the urban informal sector in Sub‐Saharan Africa”, Development and Change, 1995, Vol. 26(2), pp. 259-284.
[51] Ministry of Manpower, Youth and Employment, Ghana Youth: Working to Build our Future, Ghana, 2006.
[52] K. A. Ninsin, The informal sector in Ghana's political economy. Accra: Freedom Publications, 1991.
[53] F. Obeng-Odoom, “The informal sector in Ghana under siege” Journal of Developing Societies, 2011, Vol. 27(3-4), pp. 355-392.
[54] C. Osei-Boateng, & E. Ampratwum, The informal sector in Ghana. Accra: Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung, 2011.
[55] R. Overa, “When men do women's work: Structural adjustment, unemployment and changing gender relations in the in formal economy of Accra, Ghana”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 2007, Vol. 45(4), pp. 539-563.
[56] R. Palmer, The informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Unresolved issues of concept, character and measurement, Available from No_ 098_the_informal_economy_in_sub-saharan...., 2004.
[57] M. K. Panford, Structural Adjustment Programs, Human Resources and Organizational Challenges Facing Labor and Policy Makers in Ghana. In K. Konadu-Agyeman (ed.). IMF and World Bank sponsored structural adjustment programs in Africa. Ghana's experience, 1983-1999. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2001b.
[58] G. Perry, Informality: exit and exclusion. World Bank - free pdf, 2007.
[59] A. Portes, & J. Walton, Labor, class, and the international system. New York: Academic Press, 1981.
[60] A. Portes, M. Castells, & L. A. Benton, The informal economy: Studies in advanced and less developed countries. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
[61] M. Reich, D. M. Gordon, & R. C. Edwards, “A theory of labor market segmentation”, The American Economic Review, 1973, Vol. 63(2), pp. 359-365.
[62] S. J. Schurman, A. E. Eaton, R. Gumbrell-McCormick, R. Hyman, G. DiLeo, G. M. Berroterán, V. Viajar, Trade union organizing in the informal economy: A review of the literature on organizing in Africa, Asia, Latin America, North America and Western, Central and Eastern Europe. Available from Rutgers University:, 2012.
[63] M. E. Smith, “The informal economy”, Economic Anthropology, 1989, pp. 292-317.
[64] D. L. Sparks, & S. T. Barnett, “The informal sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: Out of the shadows to foster sustainable employment and equity?” International Business & Economics Research Journal, 2010, Vol 9(5).
[65] Third World Network, Ghana's informal sector is not productive. Available from: Retrieved 18/10/20, 2007.
[66] M. P. Todaro, “A model of labor migration and urban unemployment in less developed countries”, American Economic Review, 1969. Vol. 59(1), pp. 138-148.
[67] V. E. Tokman, Beyond Regulation: The Informal Economy in Latin America, 1992, pp. 3-20.
[68] V. E. Tokman, Modernizing the informal sector. UN/DESA Working Paper, 2007, Vol. 42, pp. 1-13.
[69] V. E. Tokman, Integrating the informal sector in the modernization process. SAIS Review, 2001, Vol. 21(1), pp. 45-60.
[70] A. M. Tripp, Changing the Rules: the politics of liberalization and the urban informal economy in Tanzania. Univ of California Press, 1997.
[71] M. D.Uys, & P. F. Blaauw, The dual labour market theory and the informal sector in South Africa. Acta Commercii, 2006, Vol. 6(1), pp. 248-257.
[72] WIEGO. History & debates. Available from:, 2014.
[73] T. D. Wilson, “Introduction: Approaches to the informal economy”, Urban Anthropology, 2011, Vol. 30 (3-4), pp. 205-221.
[1] K. Adu-Amankwah, “Trade unions in the informal sector”, Labour Education, 1999, pp. 116.
[2] K. Adu-Amankwah, Organising in the Informal Sector, http. www. streetnet. org. za., 2000.
[3] African Union, Study on the informal sector in Africa, Available from: .../LSC%20EXP%204%20(VI)-Informal%20Economy%20vers..., 2008.
[4] H. Alderman, S. Canagarajah, & S. Younger, “A comparison of Ghanaian civil servants' earnings before and after retrenchment”, Journal of African Economies, Vol. 4(2), 1995, pp. 259-288.
[5] J. Atkinson, & N. Meager, Changing working patterns. How Companies Achieve Flexibility to Meet New Needs”, 1986.
[6] A. Y. Baah, Organising workers in the informal economy & creating decent employment: We need a new approach. LOFTF/West Africa Partners Regional Meeting, 2012.
[7] A. Y. Baah, Organising workers in the informal economy & creating decent employment: We need a new approach. LOFTF/West Africa Partners Regional Meeting, 2012.
[8] S. Balkin, Self-employment for low income people, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1989.
[9] P. E. Bangasser, The ILO and the informal sector: An institutional history. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Organization, 2000.
[10] A. Bryman, , & E. Bell, Business research methods, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
[11] A. Bryman, & E. Bell, Business Research Methods, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2011.
[12] M. A. Chen, “Women and informality: A global picture, the global movement”, SAIS Review, 2001, Vol. 21(1), pp. 71-82.
[13] M. A. Chen, Informality and social protection: Theories and realities. IDS Bulletin, 2008, Vol. 39(2), pp. 18-27.
[14] M. A. Chen, The informal economy: Definitions, theories and policies, WIEGO Working Paper 1, 2012.
[15] J. Corbin, & J. M. Morse, “The unstructured interactive interview: Issues of reciprocity and risks when dealing with sensitive topics” Qualitative Inquiry, (2003). Vol. 9(3), pp. 335-354.
[16] J. Cross, , & B. Johnson, “Expading dual labour market theory: Crack dealers and the informal sector” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2000, Vol. 20(1/2), pp. 96-134.
[17] P. W. Daniels, “Urban challenges: the formal and informal economies in mega-cities” Cities, 2004, Vol 21(6), pp. 501-511.
[18] R. Davies, Informal sector or subordinate mode of production? A model. Casual work and poverty in Third World cities, 1979, pp. 87-104.
[19] Y. A. Debrah, “Promoting the informal sector as a source of gainful employment in developing countries: Insights from Ghana”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2007, Vol 18(6), pp.1063-1084.
[20] P. Dicken, Global shift: The internationalization of economic activity, London: Paul Chapman Publishing, 1992.
[21] S. Djankov, I. Lieberman, J. Mukherjee, & T. Nenova, “Going informal: Benefits and costs. The Informal Economy in the EU Access Countries: Size, Scope, Trends and Challenges to the Process of EU Enlargement” Center for Study of Democracy, 2003, pp. 63-79.
[22] L. Eroke, Addressing workers’ challenges in the informal sector. Available from: (Home News, 2010.
[23] E. L. Feige, “Defining and estimating underground and informal economies: The new institutional economics approach”, World Development, 989-1002. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/0305-750X(90)90081-8., 1990, Vol.18(7).
[24] G. S. Fields, Labour market modelling and the urban informal sector: theory and evidence. Cornell University Press, 1990.
[25] G. Friedrich-Erbert-Stiftung, Informal economy. Available from:, 2014.
[26] J. H. Gallaway, & A. Bernasek, Gender and informal sector employment in Indonesia. Journal of Economic Issues, 2002, pp. 313 -321.
[27] M. J. Gannon, The management of peripheral employees, Paper presented at the Academy of Management Proceedings, 1971.
[28] J. P. Gaughan, & L. A. Ferman, “Toward an understanding of the informal economy, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1987, pp. 15-25.
[29] F. Gockel, Structural adjustment and the informal sector in Ghana. In A. Y. Baah Social dimension of structural adjustment in Ghana. Accra: Ghana TUC, 2001.
[30] GSS, 2010 Population and housing census. Retrieved from Accra, 2012.
[31] GSS, Final 2012 gross domestic product & revised 2013 gross domestic product. Retrieved from, 2014.
[32] K. Hart, Small‐scale entrepreneurs in Ghana and development planning, The Journal of Development Studies, 1970, Vol. 6(4), pp. 104-120.
[33] K. Hart, Informal income opportunities and urban employment in Ghana, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 1973, Vol. 11(1), pp. 61-89.
[34] K. Hart, African enterprise and the informal economy: An autobiographical note. Retrieved from: 1994.
[35] W. J. House, Nairobi's informal sector: dynamic entrepreneurs or surplus labor?, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1984, Vol. 32(2), pp. 277-302.
[36] R. Hussmanns, Measuring the informal economy: From employment in the informal sector to informal employment. Policy Integration Department, Bureau of Statistics, International labour Office, 2004.
[37] ILO, Employment, income and equality: A strategy for increasing productivity in Kenya. Geneva, 1972.
[38] ILO. Decent work and the informal economy, Geneva, 2002.
[39] E. K. Ishengoma, & R. Kappel, Economic growth and poverty: Does formalisation of informal enterprises matter?, 2006.
[40] ISSER, The state of the Ghanaian economy in 2002. University of Ghana, Accra: The Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, 2003.
[41] M. Jennings, “Gender issues in the informal sector: Constraints and opportunities”, Tro’caire Development Review, 1993. Pp. 49-66.
[42] D. W. Justice, G.Castillo, M. Frohlich, M. Levin, M. Mwamadzingo, N. K. T. Ghartey, & D. K. Dorkenoo, Unprotected labour: What role for unions in the informal economy? Labour Education Paper 2002/2, 2002.
[43] R. Kanbur, Conceptualising informality: regulation and enforcement. IZA, 2009.
[44] G. Kanyenze, & T. Chitiyo, Giving voice to the unprotected workers in the informal economy in Africa: the case of Zimbabwe. International Labour Organization, 2004.
[45] J. Kraus, “The struggle over structural adjustment in Ghana”, Africa Today, 1991, pp. 19-37.
[46] Y. J. Lee, , & Z. Xiao, “Children's support for elderly parents in urban and rural China: Results from a national survey”, Journal of cross-cultural gerontology, 1998, vol. 13(1), pp. 39-62.
[47] J. L. Losby, J. F. Else, M. E. Kingslow, E. L. Edgcomb, E. T.Malm, & V. Kao, Informal economy literature review. Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED) and Microenterprise Fund for Innovation, Effectiveness, Learning, and Dissemination(FIELD). Available at: %20Lit% 20Review. Pdf, 2002.
[48] E. A. Marcelli, M. Pastor Jr, & P. M. Joassart, “Estimating the effects of informal economic activity: Evidence from Los Angeles County”, Journal of Economic Issues, 1999, pp. 579-607.
[49] D. C. Mead, MSEs tackle both poverty and growth (but in differing proportions). Enterprise in Africa - Between Poverty and Growth, 1999, Vol. 1(19), pp. 61-70.
[50] K. Meagher, “Crisis, informalization and the urban informal sector in Sub‐Saharan Africa”, Development and Change, 1995, Vol. 26(2), pp. 259-284.
[51] Ministry of Manpower, Youth and Employment, Ghana Youth: Working to Build our Future, Ghana, 2006.
[52] K. A. Ninsin, The informal sector in Ghana's political economy. Accra: Freedom Publications, 1991.
[53] F. Obeng-Odoom, “The informal sector in Ghana under siege” Journal of Developing Societies, 2011, Vol. 27(3-4), pp. 355-392.
[54] C. Osei-Boateng, & E. Ampratwum, The informal sector in Ghana. Accra: Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung, 2011.
[55] R. Overa, “When men do women's work: Structural adjustment, unemployment and changing gender relations in the in formal economy of Accra, Ghana”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 2007, Vol. 45(4), pp. 539-563.
[56] R. Palmer, The informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Unresolved issues of concept, character and measurement, Available from No_ 098_the_informal_economy_in_sub-saharan...., 2004.
[57] M. K. Panford, Structural Adjustment Programs, Human Resources and Organizational Challenges Facing Labor and Policy Makers in Ghana. In K. Konadu-Agyeman (ed.). IMF and World Bank sponsored structural adjustment programs in Africa. Ghana's experience, 1983-1999. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2001b.
[58] G. Perry, Informality: exit and exclusion. World Bank - free pdf, 2007.
[59] A. Portes, & J. Walton, Labor, class, and the international system. New York: Academic Press, 1981.
[60] A. Portes, M. Castells, & L. A. Benton, The informal economy: Studies in advanced and less developed countries. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
[61] M. Reich, D. M. Gordon, & R. C. Edwards, “A theory of labor market segmentation”, The American Economic Review, 1973, Vol. 63(2), pp. 359-365.
[62] S. J. Schurman, A. E. Eaton, R. Gumbrell-McCormick, R. Hyman, G. DiLeo, G. M. Berroterán, V. Viajar, Trade union organizing in the informal economy: A review of the literature on organizing in Africa, Asia, Latin America, North America and Western, Central and Eastern Europe. Available from Rutgers University:, 2012.
[63] M. E. Smith, “The informal economy”, Economic Anthropology, 1989, pp. 292-317.
[64] D. L. Sparks, & S. T. Barnett, “The informal sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: Out of the shadows to foster sustainable employment and equity?” International Business & Economics Research Journal, 2010, Vol 9(5).
[65] Third World Network, Ghana's informal sector is not productive. Available from: Retrieved 18/10/20, 2007.
[66] M. P. Todaro, “A model of labor migration and urban unemployment in less developed countries”, American Economic Review, 1969. Vol. 59(1), pp. 138-148.
[67] V. E. Tokman, Beyond Regulation: The Informal Economy in Latin America, 1992, pp. 3-20.
[68] V. E. Tokman, Modernizing the informal sector. UN/DESA Working Paper, 2007, Vol. 42, pp. 1-13.
[69] V. E. Tokman, Integrating the informal sector in the modernization process. SAIS Review, 2001, Vol. 21(1), pp. 45-60.
[70] A. M. Tripp, Changing the Rules: the politics of liberalization and the urban informal economy in Tanzania. Univ of California Press, 1997.
[71] M. D.Uys, & P. F. Blaauw, The dual labour market theory and the informal sector in South Africa. Acta Commercii, 2006, Vol. 6(1), pp. 248-257.
[72] WIEGO. History & debates. Available from:, 2014.
[73] T. D. Wilson, “Introduction: Approaches to the informal economy”, Urban Anthropology, 2011, Vol. 30 (3-4), pp. 205-221.
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