A Study of the Views of Information Technologies Teachers Regarding In-Service Training

Today, the means of following the developments in
the area of science and technology is to keep up with the pace of the
advancements in this area. As is in every profession, apart from their
personal efforts, the training of teachers in the period after they start
their careers is only possible through in-service training. The aim of
the present study is to determine the views of Information
Technologies (IT) teachers regarding the in-service training courses
organized by the Ministry of National Education. In this study, in
which quantitative research methods and techniques were employed,
the views of 196 IT teachers were collected by using the “Views on
In-service Training” questionnaire developed by the authors of the
paper. Independent groups t-test was used to determine whether the
views of IT teachers regarding in-service training differed depending
on gender, age and professional seniority. One-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was used to investigate whether the views of IT
teachers regarding in-service training differed depending on the
number of in-service training courses they joined and the type of inservice
training course they wanted to take. According to the findings
obtained in the study, the views of IT teachers on in-service training
did not show a significant difference depending on gender and age,
whereas those views differed depending on professional seniority, the
number of in-service training courses they joined and the type of inservice
training course they wanted to take.

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