Myth in Political Discourse as a Form of Linguistic Consciousness

The article is devoted to the problem of political
discourse and its reflection on mass cognition. This article is
dedicated to describe the myth as one of the main features of political
discourse. The dominance of an expressional and emotional
component in the myth is shown. Precedent phenomenon plays an
important role in distinguishing the myth from the linguistic point of
view. Precedent phenomena show the linguistic cognition, which is
characterized by their fame and recognition. Four types of myths
such as master myths, a foundation myth, sustaining myth,
eschatological myths are observed. The myths about the national idea
are characterized by national specificity. The main aim of the
political discourse with the help of myths is to influence on the mass
consciousness in order to motivate the addressee to certain actions so
that the target purpose is reached owing to unity of forces.

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