A Novel Fuzzy Logic Based Controller to Adjust the Brightness of the Television Screen with Respect to Surrounding Light

One of the major cause of eye strain and other problems caused while watching television is the relative illumination between the screen and its surrounding. This can be overcome by adjusting the brightness of the screen with respect to the surrounding light. A controller based on fuzzy logic is proposed in this paper. The fuzzy controller takes in the intensity of light surrounding the screen and the present brightness of the screen as input. The output of the fuzzy controller is the grid voltage corresponding to the required brightness. This voltage is given to CRT and brightness is controller dynamically. For the given test system data, different de-fuzzifier methods have been implemented and the results are compared. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a fuzzy controller has been designed by obtaining a test data from a real time system. The simulations are performed in MATLAB and are verified with standard system data. The proposed approach can be implemented for real time applications.

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